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Biden's Approval Ratings Plummet Among Hispanics

Four months before the midterm elections, the president's approval rating is at its worst.

Joe Biden/Gage Skidmore. Wikimedia

Gage Skidmore-Wikimedia

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Most Americans believe Joe Biden is taking the country in the wrong direction. Even Democratic voters do not approve of the president's economic course. Biden's approval among the Hispanic community also plummets.

Eighty-five percent of adults believe that the country is on the wrong track and 79% rate the economic situation as bad. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll puts the president's approval rating at a paltry 39%.

The results are not encouraging for the Democrats ahead of the mid-term elections next November. Runaway inflation is taking its toll on a management that worries the entire spectrum of voters.

On the other hand, Biden's net approval is six points lower than Trump's on the eve of the 2018 midterms. It is worst data in the entire series of surveys.

Biden's approval rating sinks among Hispanics

Another June poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University, reveals that only 24% of Hispanic voters approve of Biden's job. Nor does it convince young people, as only 22% of respondents aged 18 to 34 give the OK to its work.

President Biden's approval data. Quinnipiac University

The president's highest marks were for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. At that time, Biden had a 47% approval rating and a 46% disapproval rating. Since then its popularity has plummeted. Now, an Ipsospoll reveals that Republican Ron DeSantis' popularity among Hispanics is 12 points higher than that of Biden:

The poll data (current vs. December 2021) are telling: Biden's fall coincides with the rise of the Republicans. And the Hispanic vote will play a major role in tipping the balance. We have already seen it in the Texas 34th district special election and it will likely be decisive in the November midterms.
