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For Hispanics, it’s an easy choice: Donald Trump over Kamala Harris

Throughout Trump's presidency, the median household income of Hispanics increased by more than 7%, which means people could better support their families, purchase homes, and save money for the future.

Former president Donald Trump/ Adam GrayAFP

As the president and chief executive officer of Goya Foods, serving the Hispanic community has been the focus of my entire career, and it has given me a clear understanding of how highly our community values economic opportunity, hard work, and families. As the November election approaches, it is through this lens that I view the two choices for president, and it is clear to me that as Hispanics we must support President Donald Trump, who has proven to deliver results that benefit the economic well-being of our community.

To me, the arguments are simple and obvious.

After years of suffering through a weak economy caused by the housing crisis, President Trump ushered in an economic boom that benefited the Hispanic community immensely. Hispanics prospered in the Trump years, thanks to tax cuts, regulatory reform, and job creation, which align with the principles of hard work and entrepreneurship essential to the Hispanic population.

During his first term in office, Trump showed that he could deliver for the Hispanic population by bringing them tangible benefits such as increased pay, greater job possibilities, and more stable finances when the government stepped back and allowed companies to flourish.

Our small businesses exploded in number, the Hispanic poverty rate fell precipitously, and the Hispanic unemployment hit a record low of 3.9%. With Trump's pro-business, pro-growth policies, Hispanics had higher incomes and more jobs.

The Trump administration also prompted Hispanic entrepreneurship to flourish. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced the corporate rate to 21% and allowed small businesses the freedom to expand, helped supercharge growth even more. Now, President Trump has promised to reduce the business tax to 15% for companies that make their products here in America. This is a tremendous incentive that will grow American jobs.

Throughout Trump's presidency, the median household income of Hispanics increased by more than 7%, which means people could better support their families, purchase homes, and save money for the future. There is no mystery why polls show that President Trump is enjoying more support from Hispanics than any Republican in recent history.

On the contrary, and sadly, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have virtually wiped out the economic advances Trump brought to the Hispanic community. Inflation is gutting everything – groceries have increased 21.5 percent, rent has increased 22.5 percent, and gas has risen 46.1 percent. Hispanic families are paying the price disproportionately in these areas, and with less money to save and with living expenses outpacing wages, too many are forced to live paycheck to paycheck.

Kamala Harris's energy policies have also been particularly harmful. Due to constraints on domestic oil production and the rejection of projects like the Keystone XL pipeline, gas costs have increased, making it more expensive for small firms to ship goods and for Hispanic workers to commute. In fact, as I write this, the price of gas sits at an average of $3.21 per gallon – more than $1.00 per higher than the day Harris became vice president – and it has been above $3.00 a gallon for over 1,200 consecutive days.

When she was the attorney general of California, Harris actually sued the Obama administration to stop them from using fracking to extract energy off the coast. She subsequently became an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal in the U.S. Senate, and has pledged repeatedly to end fracking and force everyone into electric vehicles against their will. She remains hostile to energy, and therefore will never address the root causes of inflation; in fact, she will make things far worse.

Given Kamala Harris's history as an economic leftist, her plans for additional taxes and regulations are unsurprising but alarming, nonetheless. She proposes a $4.9 trillion tax hike -- $36,000 per American family – which will be sunk almost entirely into new government spending, a sure recipe for even more supercharged inflation.

Hispanic business owners, who already struggle with tight profit margins, face additional financial strains and legal barriers that limit their ability to grow and hire more employees. In addition to workers and small businesses, Harris's plan to increase business taxes to 28% would lower wages and cost our people jobs.

A Kamala Harris administration would further hurt Hispanic families and businesses across the country. Her support of the Green New Deal would kill job possibilities in industries including manufacturing, oil and gas, and other sectors that are essential to the lives of many Hispanics. The inevitable increase in the cost of energy would kill jobs economy-wide as well, not just in sectors that are specific to energy production. This push to phase out fossil fuels is designed to destroy jobs – it is not an accident – and it will occur in sectors of the economy where Hispanics are vital players.

The bottom line is this: Hispanics will suffer greatly under Kamala Harris if she somehow becomes president. Economic mobility will stagnate, and Hispanic entrepreneurship and job creation will grind to a halt and begin to move backwards.

We have an easy decision to make in this year's election. Policies that benefit the Hispanic population and encourage economic independence, job growth, and entrepreneurship are necessary for the Hispanic population to strive. Hispanics want to work hard to support their families and community like all Americans. President Donald Trump understands what this means and is the leader who will once again bring back a tremendous economy.

To ensure our nation's economic state of democracy, and for our own personal faith, freedom, and communities, we must support Donald Trump for president.
