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Open Letter to the "Free Palestine" Crowd

There is no way to “Free Palestine” from the Jews, without a bloody war of extermination against the Jews.

October 13, 2023, New York, United States: A woman holds a placard reading ''American Jews For A Free Palestine'' during a Palestinian Day of Action protest in Times Square, New York City. Across the country and around the world, people are holding rallies and vigils for both Palestinians and Israelis following a surprise attack by Hamas on October 7. The attack has resulted in a bombardment of Gaza by the Israeli military and a a possible ground invasion of the territory. (Credit Image: © Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)

(Cordon Press)

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I am a Jew who lives in Israel. People ask me what’s the mood like here today. My answer is Covid + 9/11 + Japan tsunami, all in one week. We are fuming with anger at the troglodytes who butchered, burned alive, and raped 1,500 of our grandmothers, brothers, sisters, and babies in the most inhumane way. We are frustrated at our government’s tactical mistakes in protecting the communities in the south. Most importantly, we angry at our foolish hope that by allowing Palestinian Gazans to come and work in Israel, we would turn off the killer gene in them and slowly come to some normalcy in our lives.

But this letter is not necessarily to vent about my feelings. Given this is a somewhat more sophisticated crowd than the TikTok or Facebook one, I just wanted to lay out what, in my humble opinion, lurks in the horizon. My hope is that you will keep these thoughts in mind before you repost, like, or join a “Free Palestine” demonstration. I understand, although I do not condone, stupidity. But I struggle to believe that intellectually capable people could be (innocently some, willfully others) falling into this trap without thinking about the consequences. Not for the Jews alone, but for themselves and their children.

Let me share such thoughts.

The events of October 7 showed us a small taste of what Palestinians and their Arab/Muslim sympathizers and enablers would do to Jews if they were technologically capable. Nothing short of a second Holocaust. We’ve seen it. It registered in our brains and in our hearts. There’s no walking back from that.

The horrors of WWII took place because Jews had no way to fight. The Nazi machine was very well oiled and organized on the military front, and as affective and polished as the Islamist/ Palestinian message is today on the propaganda front. Jews could not stand a chance against either.

Well, time has passed since then. The Israeli Jew of 2023 is not the same trembling European Jew of 1938. Over the past 75 years, Israel, built, through a cumbersome, difficult process a strong society, military and economy, with a distinct Jewish backbone to represent and defend itself, and tell the world: “NEVER AGAIN”.

Militarily, Israel is a mighty force ready to battle any enemy. Inasmuch as the images were hard and gut-wrenching, this was an unfair match between machine gun-wielding, libido-filled retrogrades in flip-flops who probably cannot read, against babies women and the elderly. This was no fight. Believe me. As soon as the Israeli soldiers rushed out of their homes across the country and grabbed their guns, the fight lasted mere hours. Palestinians are great about fighting our women and children, and then hiding behind their own pleading for help of the UN, EU and USA.

Israel military is not just a mighty one, but also a moral force. This whole situation could’ve ended ten minutes after it started if Israel did not have any concerns whatsoever about civilian life. Gaza could have been turned into a massive crater in a matter of seconds. But it did not. And not by a lack of means, but by the existence of a moral compass and conscience.

That was then, but now is now. Yesterday the world stopped after an incident that tricked the world into believing that a hospital had been targeted explicitly by Israel, and over 500 people were dead. This turned out to be false. Not just the origin of the incident but also what happened, amount of injured. In sum, all a big lie fabricated and believed by a big portion of the West.

Are you really prepared for what you are really advocating? Is your “Free Palestine” sign going to shield you from a nuclear blast sent by one of Iran’s rogue, apocalyptic groups angry at the West’s Judeo-Christian value systems you despise ? Are your local leaders really spending all day long thinking about how to protect you for years without a home, water, food or electricity?

What Israelis really registered was that even one dead in a Palestinian hospital would override and justify the massacre of thousands of israeli civilians in the eyes of the global audience. The response of part the world (the side who is speaking loud and clear) was also carved in their hearts and minds. And this is what guides Israelis’ feelings and decisions about what could come next. This may not be the first or last ammo depot to be blown up in a war and yes, it could also be a hospital if it’s used to shield fighters against the law. You cannot ask for human decency to only one side of the parties, while the other beheads babies. And this is where you should pay attention. Not to what happened, but what could happen.

The US and the EU, together with the worlds’ worst autocracies (China, Russia), have been working for a decade to arm Iran with nuclear weapons under the fake guise of an arms control agreement. And with the exception of Donald Trump, the Obama and Biden US administrations have invested treasure to see that Iran slowly advances towards nuclear weapons in addition to being free and clear to trade ballistic missiles, starting yesterday. As you may know, Iran is the source of training, funds, and bombs for the majority Islamist terrorist groups in the world today in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza –in addition to worldwide attacks like Argentina (twice) and the lone Jihadis in Europe and USA.

So the first question in Israel’s mind today is: what would be the version of October 7 within the context of an atomic Iran? Hamas, Hizbollah, and Iran, with their current military means, shielded by the Western/Progressive-supported “Free Palestine” Islamist movement in the west have put Israel into a corner. And it’s a dangerous corner. For Jews and for the world as a whole.

Jews are not in this fight in order to liberate the 0.5% of the Middle East/Arab land that’s not in the hands of Muslims, like Palestinians are. The Jews are in this to live their lives and thrive in peace, and not die on a second holocaust. To fulfill that objective, anything, and everything goes.

Israel means it. Israel is allegedly (although never officially confirmed) sitting on an arsenal of over 100 nuclear warheads. It is a top-8 nuclear superpower. I doubt any political or military leader in Israel would hesitate to activate it in a situation where annihilation of massacre is an option. Israelis have built all of their homes with bunkers made with reinforced concrete 1-meter thick and blast-proof doors. This country was designed appropriately in order to face the most unimaginable acts of human irrationality. Sadly, those doors were mostly open on October 7 because Israelis never imagined that the same people who worked for them in the kibbutz could come back with their terrorist relatives in order to massacre them. Notwithstanding, any student of Middle East history before the creation of Israel could have seen clear documentation of previous Arab massacres.

But here is where your life comes into play not just as an actor/witness , but as a potential victim. Once the cat is out of the bag, missiles start flying, bad actors get involved and explosions are real. Are you really prepared for what you are really advocating? Is your “Free Palestine” sign going to shield you from a nuclear blast sent by one of Iran’s rogue, apocalyptic groups angry at the West’s Judeo-Christian value systems you despise ? Are your local leaders really spending all day long thinking about how to protect you for years without a home, water, food or electricity?

Actions have consequences. And differently from WWII we can, together, fight the propaganda machine that will see us all humans go down an extinction cliff if not stopped on time. The seemingly trivial act of mindlessly accepting irrationality in the name of a failed, barbaric cause tips the scale an inch closer to the scenario I just described.

It seems utterly unrealistic, but unfortunately it is not. There is no “Free Palestine” dance at the end of this fight to perform, or pink baby unicorn to reveal. There is no way to “Free Palestine” from the Jews, without a bloody war of extermination against the Jews. And the Jews will never again ask for permission to save themselves, through whatever means possible, whatever the consequences.

Wake up. This shit is real.
