Javier Milei: The revolution of everyday people
Milei's ideas are not what attracts voters most to his campaign. His authenticity is what is winning over the hearts of voters.

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After the interview with Tucker Carlson, Javier Milei, the popular candidate for president of Argentina, became even more popular throughout the world. During the program broadcasted on Tucker's X account, the eccentric Argentine economist and candidate spoke out against socialism. He also talked about Pope Francis and traditional politics. Those who were unfamiliar with him must been surprised to discover that there is a candidate like him in Argentina.
But what stands out the most about Milei? His charisma? Surely. His ideas? Not always. However, people are willing to give him a chance because of the continued failures of traditional politics. However, I repeat, what is it about Milei that has attracted voters to him and his campaign? Well, it is precisely the fact that he represents ordinary people, both positively and negatively.
When we refer to Milei as an outsider it is important to emphasize that he is not only an outsider, but that his contempt for politics remains intact. Every time he is forced to act like a politician, he fails. It's completely unnatural for him. What do I mean by that? He always says that he did not come to guide lambs, but to awaken lions. However, he knows that dinosaurs can take him down in no time at all. Because of this, he has been seen holding meetings with mafia leaders and millionaires who could very well end up playing tricks on him if he becomes president. He has already awakened the lions, but now he must sedate the dinosaurs, part of the group that he despises so much. When asked about this contradiction, Milei trips up, gets stuck, and does not give the best answers. He can't because it would anger the powerful beasts. He claims this is the way the system is and that in any case, it is a matter for the workers to change. For this reason, Argentina is likely an unviable country: having to calm the beasts to be able to govern is an indication that things cannot change drastically, at least not for many, many years. In any case, not having extensive experience as a politician helps him to answer these questions. That is still better than being called a hypocrite for praising the union mafias.
However, Milei is the most authentic person one can find in politics. I met with him several times in 2017 while preparing to release my book (which he wrote the foreword for) called . His authenticity is what makes him attractive to voters. Many can relate to him. While he may be more knowledgeable in economics, he has defects and virtues like everyone else. Milei does not try and make himself out as a role model or tell people what to do, he just wants people to have as much freedom as possible. He wants everyone to live their life and spend their money as they please. He has proposals, they are discussed, and that is, perhaps, his main achievement: he gets people talking, and the left and the Peronists are no longer the owners of morality for everyday people.
Some scoff because they claim that he isn't the most eloquent speaker. Need I mention the authoritarian leaders who ruled and continue to rule the world who are eloquently spoken? Also, if your message reaches people, what's the problem with you saying "I mean" and "let's say" every two seconds? Even this can play in your favor. Speaking as a refined intellectual may serve in some, but not all, areas.
Let me repeat, Milei is not only an outsider. He is unlike a typical politician in every way, except in cases of extreme necessity such as in his meetings with trade unionists. When he debates or answers questions, he sometimes comes off as calm and lucid. Other times he seems excessively furious and may even lose his temper. At times he argues in an undisputable way, especially when it comes to economic matters. Sometimes he'll have an outburst, while other times he can be quite convincing. He has days when he is insecure. He has days where he portrays great strength and sometimes even weaknesses. He is right and wrong like anyone else, like you or me. However, he has one goal in mind, and that is genuinely to give people more freedom and make the country safer so that it can be the best version of itself. That is his goal. Let's see if he can actually make it happen.
That person who sat with me at a bar in Buenos Aires helping me prepare to release my book did not have the air of a politician. It was like sitting with a friend. People used to think that to be in politics it couldn't be like that. Some thought that politicians need to have a military background. They'd say that the person should have lived in the country their whole lives. They should behave in a hypocritical way when it is necessary to do so. People used to think politicians needed to belong to a group that nobody wanted to be a part of but everyone needed. Milei put an end to all of that.
Milei, whether you like his proposals or not, brings common sense to the table, something that a country like Argentina cannot take for granted. Confronting the political establishment is never easy.
The system in Argentina leads Milei to fill his political party with thousands of people he surely does not know and some of them are surely undesirable, but what choice does he have? However, despite his mistakes, Milei is authentic. Although many of his supporters may not understand exactly all of his proposals, the message is out there and not only in Argentina.
If he wins the elections, the moment of truth will come. Will Milei be able to radically change things with the normal lions or will the dinosaurs not allow him to change the status quo? Time will tell. At the very least, Milei deserves his chance, which is Argentina's last chance.