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Americans' top 100 highest-rated companies

According to a survey by Axios and Harris Poll, clothing firm Patagonia scored the highest, followed by Costco and John Deere.

Patagonia, Costco y John Deere, las tres compañías con mejor valoración entre los estadounidenses según una encuesta de Axios y Harris Poll

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Patagonia is the highest-rated company by Americans. According to a survey of 16,310 Americans by Axios and Harris Poll of the 100 most reputable companies, the Ventura, Calif.-based sustainable apparel company received a score of 83.5.

In second place was the department store company Costco, with 82.1, followed by the multinational farm equipment manufacturer John Deere, with 82.0. Rounding out the top 10 are Trader Joe's; Chick-fil-A; Toyota; Samsung; Amazon; financial services company USAA; and Apple.

Respondents had to rate each company in nine categories: personality, track record, reliability, culture, ethics, customer relationship, vision, growth, and products and services. In five of them, Patagonia was the highest rated.

Top-rated companies by Americans. Survey conducted by Axios and Harris Poll. Source: Voice Media

Mass layoffs and closures did not negatively impact valuation

Several conclusions can be drawn from the results. The first is that eight technology companies are among the top 20, despite being immersed in a severe economic crisis that has led to numerous layoffs in their workforces.

Walmart (ranked 80th) also had to reduce its workforce, in addition to closing several of its stores in Portland and Chicago, due to its losses in the millions. Also listed is Subway, ranked 86th, which has closed some 6,000 restaurants in seven years.

Balenciaga: no punishment after pedophilic advertising campaign

One surprise is Balenciaga's appearance on the list, ranking 91st. In November last year, the San Sebastián, Spain-based fashion brand, whose headquarters are located in Paris, published a controversial advertising campaign in which it showed children alongside erotic toys.

Personalities who represent the company, such as Kim Kardashian, considered breaking off their relationship with Balenciaga because of this unfortunate controversy.

Ford and GM behind foreign manufacturers

The case of the automotive market is striking. The survey, conducted among Americans, found that four foreign brands ranked ahead of Ford Motor Company and General Motors, which ranked 32nd and 34th, respectively. They are the two largest U.S.-based manufacturers. The companies ranking ahead of them were Toyota Motor Company (6), Honda Motor Company (13) and Subaru (16), all from Japan, as well as German company BMW Group (24).

Other manufacturers such as Volkswagen Group (56th place), Tesla Motors (62nd) and Chrysler (67th) appear in the ranking.

TikTok: its links with China's communist regime have no impact

TikTok's ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have prompted several governments to launch investigations into whether the social network spies on Americans for the Beijing regime. Given the distrust of TikTok, Montana has already decided to outlaw its downloading and use entirely. Governor Greg Gianforte signed a law to protect state residents, to which the social network responded with a lawsuit. The court battle may go on for an extended period of time.

Despite its ties to the CCP, respondents award TikTok a 61.1 rating, placing it 94th in the Axios-Harris Poll list. It maintains the same position as in 2022. U.S. social networks Meta (96th) and Twitter (97th) rank behind the Chinese platform.

Disney in free fall

Since 2016, Disney has not stopped losing favor, as is seen in this chart prepared by Axios-Harris Poll. From last year to this one, it fell 12 spots in the ranking.

The conflict between Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the company's drift towards the extreme woke left may be behind this huge setback. Its on-demand content platform, Disney+, continues to lose subscribers.

Fox Corporation, second to last after the departure of Tucker Carlson

In second-to-last place is Fox Corporation, with a 59.3 rating. Since last year, the media conglomerate founded by Rupert Murdoch has fallen two spots.

In recent months, the company has been experiencing an internal crisis resulting from the departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News.

FTX, second-to-last despite bankruptcy filing

The cryptocurrency exchange company has a valuation of 58.6. This will be the last time it will appear, as its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, declared FTX bankrupt in November 2022.

As a result of this action, Bankman-Fried embarked on a legal action that is still ongoing.

The Trump Organization bottoms out the list

The 100th position is held by The Trump Organization. The real estate management company of former President and 2024 Republican primary candidate Donald Trump has a valuation of 52.9.
