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Social media users criticize Balenciaga for publishing an erotic campaign with children

The images show minors with teddy bears dressed in bondage and glasses of alcohol. The brand apologized for the advertising campaign.


Captura de pantalla / Twitter

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The haute couture brand Balenciaga received a lot of criticism after publishing an advertising campaign with children and teddy bears dressed in bondage clothing -an erotic practice based on immobilizing the other person with ropes, straps or other tools, and with glasses of alcohol. The campaign photographer said the images are part of a collection called "Toy Stories.” Balenciaga removed the images from its website and social media.

The CEO of the conservative association Concerned Women for America, Penny Nance, called the campaign "child exploitation" and blamed Balenciaga for running a pedophile campaign:

Nance told Fox News that “it's not about being provocative and attention-grabbing. The whole campaign sexualizes children, period. It's child exploitation, period. And it feeds and normalizes a culture that is dark and depraved."

Social networks were flooded with criticism of Balenciaga for its campaign, and some users even demanded that a legal investigation be opened to hold all the adults involved in the campaign accountable:

Balenciaga apologizes

Balenciaga apologized in an Instagram story and admitted that they made a mistake:

We sincerely apologize for any offense our Christmas campaign may have caused. Our stuffed bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms.