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More than 1.5 million immigrants naturalized by the Biden Administration will be able to vote in midterms

Biden announced in 2021 that his goal was to grant citizenship to between 9 and 11 million immigrants.

Inmigración foto archivo

Cordon Press

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On November 8, more than 1.5 million migrants will cast their ballots for the first time in the United States. This is the number of naturalizations that the Biden Administration has handled since being in the White House. These figures represent a significant increase and a 35% reduction in pending applications.

According to a report by several pro-immigrant associations, led by the National Partnership for New Americans, between 2021 and 2022, 1,524,490 immigrants have become naturalized citizens. In addition, the backlog of pending applications has been reduced from 1,020,351 in December 2020 to 672,785 at the end of June 2022, a 35% decrease.

Administrative reform

According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), over the course of 2021, 855,000 people became naturalized citizens, a 30% increase over 2020, the year of the Covid pandemic.

For NPNA, "This also shows that these efforts, which include administrative reforms, proactive promotion of naturalization, and communications, field, and legal services capacity-building, have taken place at the same time that USCIS has significantly reduced the backlog of naturalization applications, and that these efforts have proven complementary to each other. The efforts to increase naturalizations include the dual."

Biden wants to naturalize between 9 and 11 million people

The Biden Administration's immigration policy is known for being lax on irregular immigration, which set a new record during the fiscal year, with the entry of at least 2.2 million illegal immigrants. The president announced in 2021 his intention to naturalize between 9 and 11 million people over the next few years.
