Moms for Liberty plans to spend $3 million on campaign to expand influence

The organization's goal is to combat woke taxation in four specific states where the vote is highly contested: Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin.

Moms for Liberty plans to spend more than $3 million on different advertising and marketing campaigns in several states during the election campaign. The objective is that its missions, which are to fight against the woke government imposition and protect the rights of parents on how their children are educated, reach a broader audience.

The organization will direct the money toward billboards, media interviews, targeted digital ads, emails and text messages to voters.

In 2023, Moms for Liberty, critical of President Joe Biden's administration, announced that it would become more involved in the political sphere in 2024, taking advantage of the fact that it is an election year and that its influence can have a greater reach. Those states the organization will target are Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin; four states where the vote is highly contested.

Moms for Liberty didn't pick these four states at random. In statements to the Associated Press, the co-founder of the conservative organization, Tina Descovich, assured that investors from Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin were interested in the organization increasing its influence in these territories.

Biden administration: Moms for Liberty is ‘ruining’ education

The Biden administration was quick to react and criticized Moms for Liberty for wanting to extend its influence in politics. One of Biden’s campaign spokesmen, Charles Lutvak, attacked the conservative organization for being "villainizing teachers and working to ban books as if we live in Soviet Russia."

Additionally, Lutvak assured that "President Biden is proudly campaigning alongside educators, parents and young Americans to strengthen public education for every American and keep our schools safe from gun violence."