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High-profile Democratic senator wants illegal migrants to start joining the military in exchange for citizenship

The idea was raised by Dick Durbin (D-IL), who is concerned about the Armed Forces' recruiting problems.

Dick Durbin, migrantes ilegales, ejército

(Cordon Press)

A high-profile Democratic senator made the case in the Senate that illegal migrants should start joining the U.S. Army in exchange for citizenship to combat the recruitment crisis.

"Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army, Navy, and the Air Force? They can't reach their quotas each month. They can't find enough people to join our military forces. And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country. Should we give them a chance? I think we should," said Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who serves as the Senate Democratic whip.

The Democrat pointed out that the low enlistment levels represent a "grave threat to our national security" and that the deficiency could be covered by recruiting undocumented immigrants.

The Senate Democrats' spokesman said that "undocumented" young people who have no background and can pass the physical tests should have the opportunity to "serve in our military and if you do it honorably we will make you citizens of the United States."

Durbin's comments come at a time when the immigration crisis at the southern border is reaching a fever pitch and becoming one of the most important topics of conversation nationally.

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) sharply criticized Durbin in a brief appearance on Fox News.

"America, do you see the foolishness happening up here on Capitol Hill? Senate Democrats, and House Democrats, and Joe Biden refuse to secure the Southern border," Donalds said. "They want $120 million for everybody else, but they won't take care of America and the American people, and then Dick Durbin says, 'Hey that's ok, let's just put them in the military and everything is going to be alright.'"

"That is the very essence of a national security crisis. These people are nuts," the representative continued. "They don't deserve majorities. They do not deserve the White House. The American people need to do their job and vote these fools out, because if this kind of nonsense continues, it will be to the destruction of our country. That's all I've got to say about it."
