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Javier Milei shook the UN in his first speech before the General Assembly: 'The Pact for the Future is a program of supranational government of a socialist nature'

The president of Argentina also defended Israel as "the only country in the Middle East that defends liberal democracy."

The president of Argentina gave his first speech to the United Nations Assembly/ Charly Triballeau.AFP

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Javier Milei rocked the United Nations General Assembly in his first appearance as president of Argentina. For nearly 15 minutes, the libertarian trashed the 2030 Agenda and the Pact for the Future, calling them attempts to impose a "socialist-style supranational government program."

Milei made his debut at a United Nations summit with a speech that was far from discreet. He directly attacked the initiatives of the organization currently led by Portugal's Antonio Guterres.

The Argentine began with a historical review of the U.N.'s role, highlighting that, since its creation, there have been "more than 70 consecutive years of relative peace and global stability, under the command of an order that allowed the whole world to integrate commercially, compete and prosper."

"Because where trade enters, bullets do not enter, said (Frederic) Bastiat. Because trade guarantees peace, freedom guarantees trade and equality before the law guarantees freedom," he added.

He then quoted the prophet Isaiah to highlight the UN's achievements, summarized as a "remarkable success in the history of nations, which cannot be overlooked."

"The 2030 Agenda is a supranational government program, of a socialist nature" 

He then described how the organization began deviating from what Milei called "its founding principles."

As he explained, in recent years, the U.N. started to become "a multi-tentacled leviathan that pretends to decide not only what each nation-state should do, but also how all the citizens of the world should live."

"What is being discussed - this week, here, in New York, at the Summit of the Future - is nothing other than the deepening of that tragic course that this institution has adopted," Milei continued.

The president then went on to directly criticize the 2030 Agenda, which, "although well-intentioned in its goals," "is nothing more than an agenda for the future, is nothing other than a supranational government program, socialist in nature, that seeks to solve the problems of modernity with solutions that infringe on the sovereignty of nation-states and violate people's right to life, liberty and property."

"It is an agenda, which pretends to solve poverty, inequality and discrimination with legislation that the only thing it does is to deepen them. Because the history of the world shows that the only way to guarantee prosperity is by limiting the power of the monarch, guaranteeing equality before the law and defending the right to life, liberty and property of individuals," he added.

"It is always the same with ideas coming from the left..."

Milei also made mention of Israel as the "only country in the Middle East, which defends liberal democracy."

"It has also promoted a toxic relationship between global governance policies and international credit agencies, requiring the most relegated countries to commit resources they do not have to programs they do not need, turning them into perpetual debtors to promote the global elites' agenda," he continued.

The Argentine president also spoke of an "end of cycle" of these types of policies, such as "the collectivism and moral posturing of the woke agenda," given that "they have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world's real problems."

"If the 2030 Agenda failed - as its own promoters acknowledge - the answer should be to ask ourselves whether it was not an ill-conceived agenda to begin with, accept that reality and change course. One cannot pretend to persist in the mistake by redoubling the bet on an agenda that has failed. The same thing always happens with ideas coming from the left: they design a model according to what human beings should be - according to them - and when individuals - freely - act otherwise, they have no better solution than to restrict, repress and restrict their freedom," Milei pointed out.


Finally, the libertarian assured that Argentina would cease to be "neutral" in the international scenario and adopt a much more active agenda in the global scenario.

"As of this day, know that, the Argentine Republic, will abandon the position of historical neutrality that characterized us and will be at the forefront of the struggle to defend freedom. Because - as Thomas Paine said - those who wish to reap the blessings of liberty must - as men - endure the fatigue of defending it. May God bless the Argentines and all the citizens of the world, and may the forces of heaven be with us," he concluded.

The Argentine president was accompanied by his sister and secretary general of the presidency, Karina Milei, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich and the Argentine ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein. They were joined by the Argentine representative to the U.N., Ricardo Lagorio.

As for the South American president's agenda in the United States, he arrived in New York last Sunday.  He met with a group of journalists from the New York Times. He subsequently went viral by ringing the famous bell at the Stock Exchange and also took time to meet with his personal friend, Elon Musk.
