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Alberto Fujimori, Peru's historic leader, announces his intention to run for president again

The former president will be 86 years old in a few weeks, though a constitutional order threatens his candidacy.

Alberto FujimoriLuka Gonzales / AFP

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Peru's Fujimori family announced this weekend that Alberto Fujimori, the family patriarch and former president of the country, intends to run once again for president of the country. He and his daughter, Keiko Fujimori, made the announcement in a video on social media. Fujimori will be 86 years old in two weeks, and the election will be held in 2026.

There are two main obstacles standing between Fujimori and the presidency. One is his advanced age and the health problems that come with it. According to media reports, Fujimori is suffering from a malignant tumor on his tongue. The second is the legal impediment that would be in force against his candidacy. 

"My father and I have talked and decided together that he will be the presidential candidate," assures Keiko Fujimori in a video. "I am aware of each of the risks that this means, but I want to return to the political arena," Alberto told his daughter.

In this candidacy, Keiko Fujimori will not be her father's running mate.  "I would prefer not to be in that formula. I believe that my role as president of the party will help him to put together the teams," she said a few days ago, according to AFP. 

Unconstitutional candidacy 

Prior to his official candidacy, Fujimori will have to define whether or not he is allowed to run. One of the legal impediments would be an outstanding civil reparation debt totaling roughly $15.5 million for three judicial cases.

The former judge of Peru's Constitutional Court, Ernesto Blume, assured Canal N in statements reported by AFP that the pardon has not eliminated Alberto Fujimori's criminal responsibility and for this reason he is barred from running for president.

"The pardon has pardoned him from serving the rest of the sentence that was pending, either for humanitarian reasons, but it has not eliminated his criminal responsibility or the very nature of the sentence," Blume assured.

Regarding her father's inability to run for president, Keiko Fujimori told RPP radio, "I am not going to enter into the debate of the legal issues, I leave that debate to the lawyers and I imagine that this possibility will be elucidated later on." Electoral authorities have not yet spoken on his potential candidacy.
