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A colossal demonstration overflows Mexico City in favor of Xóchitl Gálvez, the main opposition candidate for the presidency

"We are going to vote to defeat death, lies and fear, we are going to vote for life, truth and freedom," the representative of the Mexican opposition said.

Vista aérea de partidarios de la candidata presidencial opositora Xochitl Gálvez, del partido de coalición Fuerza y Corazón por México, asistiendo a un mitin político en la Plaza del Zócalo antes de las elecciones nacionales en la Ciudad de México el 19 de mayo de 2024

(Carlo Echegoyen / AFP)

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This Sunday, Mexico City was dyed pink for a massive march in support of the opposition presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez. The demonstration, known as "Pink Tide," attracted at least 95,000 people and took place peacefully, according to the Ministry of Citizen Security.

During the emblematic Zócalo square rally, Gálvez gave a speech focused on her vision for Mexico and the three values she promised to defend if she wins the presidential elections on June 2: “life, truth and freedom.”

“We are going to vote to change these times of illness, hatred and sadness for times of health, love and hope. We are going to vote to defeat death, lies and fear, we are going to vote for life, truth and freedom,” expressed the center-conservative candidate.

The candidate, representative of the Force and Heart coalition for Mexico, made up of the National Action (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) and Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties, also criticized the administration of current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, accusing it of dividing the country, weakening autonomous institutions and persecuting to journalists, among others.

"We are going to win to give, not to receive; to share, not to take; to serve, not to serve ourselves; we are going to win to listen, not to insult," Gálvez proclaimed to the crowd.

In her call to vote, Gálvez recalled that, in addition to the presidency, nine governorships and several positions in Congress are also at stake in the next elections. “We are playing whether the following years will be one of oppression or freedom,” she insisted.

Xóchitl Gálvez in the polls

The candidate, who has held various public positions, including federal official, delegate of Miguel Hidalgo and senator, is in second place in the most recent survey from MetricsMX, with 21.3% support, leaving 33.1% percentage points behind the ruling party Claudia Sheinbaum, who leads the voting preferences with 54.4%.

Meanwhile, Jorge Álvarez Máynez occupies third place in electoral preferences with 12.8% of voting preferences.
