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The U.S. promises that it will categorically oppose Palestine's accession to the U.N. Security Council

Robert Wood, United States ambassador to the United Nations, questioned the resolution voted in the General Assembly this Friday in favor of the Palestinian cause.

EEUU promete que se opondrá categóricamente a la adhesión de Palestina a la ONU en el Consejo de Seguridad


The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Robert Wood, promised this Friday that the country will categorically oppose any resolution that seeks to grant Palestinians full membership in the United Nations.

"Our vote does not reflect opposition to Palestinian statehood," Wood said after a controversial vote in the U.N. Emergency General Assembly where the vast majority of members approved recommending Palestine's accession to the organization and its recognition.

The vote was decided with 143 votes in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions. It has a support character, which does not make Palestine a member state of the United Nations.

"We have been very clear that we support it and seek to advance it meaningfully: Instead, it is an acknowledgment that statehood will only come from a process that involves direct negotiations between the parties," Wood added. He basically promised that the United States would reject the resolution recommending accession to the Security Council.

"This resolution does not resolve the concerns about the Palestinian membership application raised in April in the Security Council through the admissions committee process," Wood said. "Should the Security Council take up the Palestinian membership application as a result of this resolution, there will be a similar outcome."

The resolution was presented by the United Arab Emirates and received the support of countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syria, Uruguay, Yemen and Venezuela.

The United States, Argentina, Hungary, Czech Republic, Israel, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Nauru and Palau voted against the resolution. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Austria, Canada and Sweden are some of the 25 countries that abstained.

The United States Mission to the U.N. spoke out after the vote on X (Twitter).

"A negotiated two-state solution remains the best path towards an enduring peace where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side with equal measures of security, freedom, and dignity," the U.S. delegation wrote. "Unilateral measures like the UNGA resolution on Palestinian U.N. membership adopted today will not advance this goal."

During his speech to the General Assembly, Wood also commented that the resolution did not actually alter the status of Palestinians before the organization and called the motion "unproductive."

In that sense, Wood recalled that, after the resolution, Palestinians would not receive rights that would be provided to them if their status changed to that of a member state. For this reason, the United States assured that it will not cut funding to the United Nations or specialized agencies under Public Law 101-246.

According to Fox News, during the Obama administration, the United States cut funding to UNICEF after the organization admitted Palestinians as members.

On this occasion, for the moment, the U.S. is not required to take this measure.
