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Israel confirms the murder of a new hostage in Gaza

Dror Or, 49, was murdered and his body has been held in Gaza since October 7, following the Hamas terrorist attack.

Israel confirma el asesinato de un nuevo rehén en Gaza

Una mujer sostiene un cartel con la imagen del rehén israelí Dror Or, asesinado por Hamás. (AFP)

The Government of Israel confirmed the murder of one of the hostages in Gaza who was captured by Hamas after the terrorist attacks of October 7.

This is Dror Or, 49 years old, who was murdered and his body is being held in Gaza according to the complaint from Kibbutz Be'eri, the community where Or lived.

This kibbutz was one of the communities most affected by the Hamas terrorist attack.

“We are heartbroken to share that Dror Or who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, had been confirmed as murdered and his body is being held in Gaza,” the Government of Israel reported.

Dror’s wife Yonat was murdered on October 7. His children Alma (13) and Noam (17) who were held hostage by Hamas and released in November, are now orphans along with their older brother Yahli. May Dror’s memory be a blessing,” added the government, which did not specify how it learned of Or's death.

The official announcement of Or's death comes just as mediators from Qatar, the United States and Egypt are trying to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel that will result in the release of hostages.

Israel estimates that there are still 129 hostages held by Hamas terrorists. Authorities say 35 of those captured have already died in captivity, including Or.
