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Organization of American States approves a resolution condemning the raid by Ecuadorian police on the Mexican embassy

Ecuador violated the Vienna Convention by entering the premises of the diplomatic building without permission to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas.

Fuerzas especiales de la policía ecuatoriana intentan irrumpir en la embajada de México en Quito para detener al ex vicepresidente de Ecuador Jorge Glas, el 5 de abril de 2024. El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ordenó el 5 de abril de 2024 la


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The Organization of American States (OAS) voted on a resolution Wednesday condemning the events surrounding the Mexican embassy in Ecuador.

The General Secretariat of the OAS already issued a statement on April 6 as a result of the raid by Ecuadorian police on the Mexican embassy in Quito. Now, the organization's voting body has passed a resolution that "strongly condemns" the actions taken by the Ecuadorian government to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas.

On Tuesday, Ecuador had the opportunity to present its case to the organization after a session convened by its envoys to the OAS Permanent Council. This session did not have the presence of envoys from Mexico, which broke diplomatic relations with Ecuador after the assault on its embassy in Quito.

With the raid on the embassy, Ecuador violated several articles of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which protect the inviolability of the premises of diplomatic buildings. Ecuador assured that its action was justified by Mexico's interference in its internal affairs by providing protection to Glas, who is wanted by the Ecuadorian justice system.

The Mexican government, after officially breaking its relations with Ecuador, announced that it would resort to international courts to punish Ecuador's actions. This Wednesday, it was learned that the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs filed a formal complaint with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to obtain a conviction against the Ecuadorian government.
