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Cause of death revealed for girl murdered in Mexico

The autopsy indicates that the minor died from intentional asphyxiation.

Vecinos protestan por la muerte de Camila


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Mexican authorities reported that Camila Gómez, the eight-year-old girl murdered in Taxco (Guerrero), died from intentional asphyxiation. Luis Rodríguez Bucio, Undersecretary of Public Security of the Secretariat of Chitizen Security and Protection, revealed the timeline of the events leading up to when the girl died.

According to law enforcement, the investigation remains open. They identified the alleged perpetrators as José Eduardo and Axel Alejandro. Both are accused of the crime of femicide.

The Undersecretary of Public Security of the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection said that, according to the investigations, the events occurred in the following order:

- Wednesday, March 27: Camila left her house to play with her neighbor, Ana Rosa's daughter, who lived nearby. Three hours later, Camila's mother went to her neighbor's house to look for her daughter and Ana Rosa informed her that the girl never showed up. Half an hour later, the mother filed a missing persons report. While she was with the police, she received three messages asking for ransom for her daughter. The neighbors reviewed the security cameras which showed that Ana Rosa could be the person responsible for Camila's disappearance. They shared the videos with the police. In a video, the authorities verified that the girl arrived to Ana Rosa's home.

- Thursday, March 28: Local authorities found the girl's body on the side of the road. In the videos, the authorities also verified that Ana Rosa left her home with her husband, who was carrying a black bag with the minor's body. On Thursday, Camila's relatives went to Ana Rosa's house to stop the alleged perpetrators from escaping. Ana Rosa's husband was turned over to the authorities.

After the videos of what happened were released, the neighbors forcibly removed Ana Rosa and her two sons from their home and severely beat them. The police rescued her sons while Ana Rosa, who was seriously injured, died while being transported by police. The prosecutor's office opened an investigation into the homicide. In the afternoon, neighbors and relatives protested Camila's death. The prosecutor's office got an arrest warrant for José Ricardo. The Forensic Medical Service determined, through an autopsy, that Camila died from intentional asphyxiation.

- Friday, March 29: José Ricardo's preliminary hearing was held for the crime of aggravated femicide. He was detained as a precautionary measure. He was then transferred to a prison in Iguala. The prosecutor got an arrest warrant for Axel Alejandro, Ana Rosa's son, for aggravated femicide.

- Saturday, March 30: An arrest warrant was issued for Ana Rosa's other son (Juan Alfredo) after he and his brother were released from the hospital.

- Sunday, March 31: Axel Alejandro, who was also taken to prison. He is accused of aggravated femicide. Juan Alfredo, who is still a minor, was placed in the hands of the juvenile justice system. His hearing is scheduled for April 5.
