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Argentina and Colombia consider the diplomatic crisis settled

The ambassadors of both countries will return and the Argentine chancellor announces a visit to Bogotá.

Javier Milei y Gustavo Petro, en fotos de archivo.

(Cordon Press)

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The governments of Argentina and Colombia announced through a joint statement that they consider the diplomatic crisis between both countries resolved, a situation which even led to the expulsion of Argentine diplomats by Gustavo Petro's Executive and the withdrawal of the Colombian ambassador from Buenos Aires. According to the foreign ministries of both countries, the ambassadors will return and the Argentine foreign minister, Diana Mondino, will visit Colombia.

According to the document, the foreign ministries of both countries began talks by order of their respective presidents to "overcome any differences and strengthen this relationship." As an initial first step of the negotiations, "the Colombian Government has given instructions so that Ambassador Camilo Romero returns to Buenos Aires, while granting approval to the new Ambassador proposed by the Argentine Government in Bogotá." Furthermore, "the Argentine Government, for its part, has announced the visit to Colombia of its Chancellor, Diana Mondino."

"Terrorist killer"

With these measures, both countries consider the diplomatic crisis that arose as a result of an interview with Javier Milei on CNN in which the Argentine president called his Colombian counterpart a "terrorist murderer" overcome. In response, Petro withdrew his ambassador in Argentina and ordered the departure of the Argentine representative in Bogotá.
