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The arrival of immigrants in Mexico skyrocketed during 2023

Last year, more than 40 million entered the country, while the number of irregular immigrants detained increased by 695% in the last decade.

Miles de inmigrantes caminan hacia EEUU

Miles de inmigrantes marchando en caravana el pasado

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Immigration once again set new records during 2023 in Mexico. According to data provided by the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the country received nearly 41 million immigrants in a regular situation throughout the year, to which must be added almost 700,000 irregular immigrants registered by law enforcement. The figures mean that the arrival of undocumented or asylum seekers has increased by 695% in the last decade.

Almost 700,000 irregular immigrants detained in 2023

The National Immigration Institute (INM) issued a statement last Monday in which it reported that during 2023 more than 40.8 million immigrants entered the country on a regular basis. In addition, according to Milenio, the Ministry of the Interior indicated that 686,732 people were detained for entering without papers and another 136,934 requested asylum.

These figures are very far from the data from 10 years ago. In 2013, law enforcement agencies reported the arrest of 86,298 people who were in Mexico irregularly, 695% less than last year. In total, according to official statistics, 2,526,247 foreigners were detained by Mexican immigration authorities during the last decade. The increase in asylum seekers is 10,000%, going from 1,296 in 2013 to 136,934 in 2023.

Agreement with the Immigrant Caravan

In addition, Telemundo reported that the Mexican government reached an agreement with 3,000 immigrants from the caravan that travels through the country. INM sources indicated that the illegals accepted AMLO's proposal to obtain a one-year temporary permit to remain in the country for humanitarian reasons.
