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The terrorist group Hamas asks Democrats in the United States to "withhold their votes from Biden in the upcoming elections"

This is Osama Hamdan, who also accused the president and the secretary of state of being responsible for the shedding of "Palestinian blood."

La Casa Blanca, medios, prensa

(Cordon Press)

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A Hamas official in Lebanon made headlines for his multiple statements against the United States, particularly against Joe Biden. Osama Hamdan spoke on Sunday about the situation between Israel and the terrorist group in the Middle East, emphasizing the American management of the conflict. He even dared to advise voters: do not vote for the president in 2024.

During statements to the press reported by Al Jaazera, Hamdan blamed Israel and the United States for the war between the Jewish State and Hamas, speaking specifically of an "Israeli occupation" that is "escalating its crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem."

In turn, the Hamas official advised Democrats ahead of the 2024 presidential elections, in which Biden faces some challenges in the primaries.

"We commend the global positions rejecting the aggression, especially the positions of Jews who oppose the Zionist entity & the Biden administration. We call on liberals in the U.S. to withhold their votes from Biden in the upcoming elections," he continued.

Minutes later, Hamdan attacked the United States again, first as "complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza" and then describing its active participation in the conflict as a "provocation" and "an explosive factor" for the region.

"Abandon Biden"

The request was not exclusive to the Hamas official since a group of members of Muslim communities gathered on Saturday in Michigan under the same slogan.

"Muslims and Arab-Americans have come together to send a clear signal to this White House: this upcoming election will be decided by the people of America, Muslim Americans in particular," said event organizer Hassan Addesalan.

The meeting began the campaign that seeks to unite voters who profess Islam around the same message: "The Administration's position on Israel's war is a red line for all American Muslims."

The organizers explained that the list of states where they will carry out their mission is especially crucial for Biden because they include undecided states and states with significant Muslim minorities. The weekend event was attended by activists from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada.
