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Javier Milei's first words as president of Argentina: "The model of decadence is over. The changes will be drastic, but there is no room for lukewarmness"

The libertarian economist won comfortably against the Peronist Sergio Massa and will take office as president on December 10.

Javier Milei

Cordon Press

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Javier Milei celebrated his victory in the presidential elections in Argentina and appeared before his followers about two hours after the results were known. The economist spoke of a "historic night" for the country since it will be the first time that Argentina has a "liberal and libertarian" president. He assured that Argentine reconstruction was already underway, hand in hand with "embracing the ideas of freedom" to "become a world power again."

The new president began by thanking the prosecutors who worked to protect his votes, as well as former president Mauricio Macri and his former rival Patricia Bullrich, for joining his campaign.

Immediately afterward, he greeted "all good Argentines" and warned them that the "reconstruction" of the country was beginning. To applause and cheers, he assured that "today we once again embrace the ideas of freedom, the ideas of Alberdi."

Regarding his policies, he indicated that the seriousness of the situation makes "gradualism" impossible, so structural reforms must start from minute zero. He mentioned inflation, insecurity, and poverty as the main challenges.

Economically speaking, he highlighted the importance of private property and stressed that his government will comply with the commitments already made in reference to the debt with the International Monetary Fund.

Looking outward, he warned that Argentina would return to "take the place in the world that it should never have lost." He spoke of alliances with the "free world" and the West, thus marking a new course for foreign policy.

"Argentina has a future. But that future exists only if it is liberal. (...) We do not come to invent anything, we come to do the things that history has shown work. We have come to embrace the ideas of freedom, which are those that guarantee the prosperity of Argentines. If we embrace these ideas, in 35 years, we will once again be a world power," he added.

"Long live freedom, damn it! God bless the Argentines," Milei concluded, unleashing general applause among those who accompanied him at the Hotel Libertador in Buenos Aires.
