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Tucker Carlson interviewed Santiago Abascal in Madrid: “Spain has been the testing ground of extreme wokeism”

The journalist spoke with the leader of Vox about the current situation in the European country, marked by the inauguration of Pedro Sánchez as president.

Tucker Carlson- Santiago Abascal

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Amid protests in Spain over the inauguration of President Pedro Sánchez for a second term, Tucker Carlson traveled to Madrid. The journalist was present at the demonstrations and took the opportunity to talk with Santiago Abascal, leader of the Vox party. The interview, which lasted 32 minutes, was based on the current situation of the European country, its future and the problems that could arise from "narco-communism."

The protests began after Sánchez, who came second in the mid-year elections, made an agreement with the Catalan separatist movement to get their seven votes in the legislature and be re-elected as president. In exchange, he had to present a that would accelerate the process of forgiving all those who carried out the coup d'état in Catalonia in 2017. For some, including Abascal, leader of the third force in Spain, such legislation endangers the rule of law.

Chatting with Carlson, he assured that "the amnesty law does not fit in our constitution" since it would imply a "brutal attack on the separation of powers." Therefore, the legislature that Pedro Sánchez will preside over will be "illegal and illegitimate," which began with a "blow to the constitution." As for the president himself, Abascal defined him as a "corrupt man capable of selling his mother to stay in power."

"Spain can either slow narco-communism or become the spearhead"

The deputy analyzed the current situation in the European country and began by explaining the importance of what happens in Spain for the rest of the continent. "Spain is the gateway to the Islamization of Europe, victim of mass immigration," he indicated, adding that the danger of narco-communism can be contagious, comparing the situation with that of Latin America.

Abascal pointed directly against the European Union (EU) for persecuting countries that seek to combat mass immigration, giving the example of Hungary and Poland, while the "majority of Spaniards" are against this and, on the contrary, support the "deportations of those who commit crimes, that the nationality be taken away from those immigrants who commit crimes."

To combat this situation, he called for the unification of all those who are against the "woke" and "globalist" policies that target the middle classes. After criticizing the figure of George Soros, who he revealed was the first person to meet with Sánchez after his election, he assured that in the West there is a group of "billionaires who want to tell us how we have to live, while they live like a king."

"The majority of Europeans want to preserve our identity"

According to Abascal, the political discourse of Sánchez and the EU "contrasts with that of the bars" because "the majority of Europeans want to preserve our identity, our way of living in freedom. Equality between men and women, which some cultures don't understand."

He gave France, Sweden and Germany as examples, countries where he observed that "Islamization and social change has occurred in a brutal way." When looking for a counterweight, unlike in Hungary, he explained that there is a lack of incentives for Spanish demographic growth so that in 100 years, they will not become a minority in their own country.

"I am willing to do anything, to give it all up"

When analyzing his political and personal future, the politician assured that he was willing to give up everything to guarantee the future of his four children.
