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A decade of repression and death: Maduro regime has killed nearly 10,000 Venezuelans

The NGO Provea stated that the Bolivarian National Police and the Bolivarian National Guard also violated the human rights of more than 40,000 citizens.

Miembros de la Polic

(Cordon Press)

Venezuela has been living for decades under the tyranny of rulers who attack thousands of people simply for having a thought contrary to that of the communist regime. Proof of this is the data provided by different organizations on the human rights violations that have been committed. According to the NGO Provea (Venezuelan Human Rights Education-Action Program), 9,465 citizens were killed by the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) between 2013 and 2023. This figure makes the Venezuelan dictatorship a "human rights catastrophe":

In just ten years, Maduro became a human rights catastrophe. Police and military from the PNB and the GNB murdered hundreds of people, emboldened by the "iron fist" discourse that gave rise to the drip-feed massacre.

The repression against Venezuelans does not end there. According to data provided by Provea, the Maduro regime has violated the right to physical and moral integrity of 40,351 people, equivalent to more than 4,000 per year since the beginning of his rule. In addition, the NGO claims that more than a thousand cases of torture and inhumane treatment by Venezuelan security forces have been reported:

In ten years of Maduro's administration, abusive police and military practices, encouraged by the official narrative and structural impunity, have crossed a frontier that until a few years ago seemed unthinkable, and may now constitute crimes against humanity.

The situation in Venezuela is inhumane, not only because of the crimes or torture committed, but also because of the impunity granted to those responsible. In statements to Infobae, Marino Alvarado, Provea's research coordinator, denounced the opacity and inaction of Venezuelan institutions despite the action of the International Criminal Court (ICC):

In the Venezuelan justice system there is no will to investigate and punish those responsible for crimes against humanity, whether crimes committed through arbitrary detentions or extrajudicial executions in security operations or in the context of protests. The ICC extended the period of investigation from 2014 to the present, affirming that these are not alleged crimes, but that crimes against humanity have indeed been committed in Venezuela.