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Bolsonaro returns to Brazil

The former president announced at the Orlando airport that he does not intend to lead the opposition to Lula.

Bolsonaro posa con simpatizantes en el aeropuerto de Florida.

(Captura de vídeo/Twitter)

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Jair Bolsonaro returns to Brazil. The former president told the media at the Orlando airport (Florida) that his return is not to lead the opposition to Lula da Silva, but that he wants to help the Liberal Party with his experience in whatever the leaders ask of him and to prevent the country from turning into Venezuela. He also announced that he will travel around the country to prepare for the 2024 municipal elections.

Upon his arrival in Brasilia, the former president was greeted by a crowd of people. According to several users of social networks, a caravan of vehicles drove through the Brazilian capital to celebrate his return. Bolsonaro first visited the headquarters of his party, where he held a meeting with political cadres and greeted his supporters from the window.

"This government is an opposition in itself."

"You don't have to oppose this government. This government is an opposition in itself," he told CNN before boarding. Bolsonaro will land in the capital amidst a special security detail as he is expected to be greeted by a crowd of supporters. The authorities have asked their followers for moderation and have organized a large deployment of agents from different bodies, without ruling out even closing the airfield if necessary. The former president will enter the country through an exclusive chanel, and will be escorted at all times by federal agents.

Bolsonaro faces two accusations in his country, which he denies. First, the Prosecutor's Office is investigating his participation in the assault on the three main federal buildings by his supporters. The second is about the jewelry he allegedly received as a gift from the Saudi Arabian government during his tenure. The former president again denied before boarding the plane any "irregularities," stating that "the objects were registered," according to CNN Brazil.

Videos at the airport

Several media published videos of Bolsonaro's passage through the Orlando airport. Visibly relaxed and smiling, the former president posed with supporters who asked him to do so and attended to the media present. Subsequently, videos were uploaded of the ex-military officer being applauded on the plane.
