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Sergey Lavrov accuses the U.S. of seeking a "final solution" for Russia

The Russian foreign minister compared the White House's strategy to that of Adolf Hitler during World War II.

(Wiki Commons)

This Wednesday, Sergey Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, accused the United States and European countries that make up NATO of seeking a "final solution" for Russia. In the context of the war waged in Ukraine, the Kremlin official compared Washington's strategy to that used by Adolf Hitler in World War II to eradicate the Jews.

Lavrov believes that, just as Napoleon Bonaparte and the Nazis did, the White House is subjugating Europeans in order to destroy Russia. He compared the intentions of "Western politicians" to the Holocaust.

Just as Hitler wanted a 'final solution' to the Jewish question, now, if you read Western politicians... they clearly say that Russia must suffer a strategic defeat.

Response from the Jewish community

Following the Lavrov's statements, the European Jewish Congress quickly came out to repudiate the remarks. Through its official Twitter account, it assured that it is a complete "distortion":

We are shocked and appalled by the shameful comparison made by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov between Western support for Ukraine and Hitler's persecution and murder of six million Jews in the Shoah. This is the distortion of the Holocaust at its most basic level.

This is not the first time Lavrov has caused outrage for his remarks about Adolf Hitler. In May 2022, he said that the Nazi leader had "Jewish blood," evoking anger from the Jewish community as well as the governments of Israel and Germany.
