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'Super Mustache' and 'Cilita': the toys given away by the Venezuelan dictatorship to indoctrinate children at Christmas time

"Priorities are reversed. They give away toys that impose their ideology upon children but deny them the right to a quality education," said a Venezuelan teacher.

Súper bigote y Cilita, Nicolás Maduro y Cilia Flores

Captura de pantalla/ Twitter: @eduardomenoni


The Venezuelan regime gave children controversial gifts for Christmas, including dolls of "Super Mustache" and "Super Cilita," two characters created by Chavismo that depict dictator Nicolás Maduro and his wife Cilia Flores as superheroes.

The vice president of the dictatorship, Delcy Rodríguez, informed that the regime delivered almost 13 million toys to children across the country. This includes the region of Tejerías in the state of Aragua, one of the places affected by a landslide in early October that claimed the lives of at least 54 people.

A country with "reversed" priorities

The controversial Christmas gifts were met with harsh criticism on social media. Belkis Bolivar, member of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (FVM) talked in statements to the agency EFE about the crisis in Venezuela, where since 2018, the country's economy has been in a deep crisis. The monthly minimum wage is below 10 dollars and many citizens do not have sufficient resources to feed themselves:

Priorities are reversed. They give away toys that impose their ideology upon children but deny them the right to a quality education, to have a decent health system... Meanwhile, our schools are failing, teachers are underpaid and without social security. Hospitals also have very limited or no supplies, and health personnel have very low salaries.

"Super Mustache" is a children's cartoon television program created in 2019 as a mechanism of propaganda to reinforce the regime's message and indoctrinate the youngest members of Venezuelan society. Inspired by the figure of dictator Nicolás Maduro, the character fights against the United States and its allies. The main villain of the saga is former President Donald Trump, whose command center is the White House.
