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European media confirms the death by euthanasia of Zoraya ter Beek, young Dutch woman who reignited the debate on assisted suicide

Ter Beek suffered from mental health problems that, she said, made it impossible for her to continue living.

Composición propia a partir de una captura de pantalla de un video de The Free Press que muestra a Zoraya ter Beek

(YouTube The Free Press)

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Young Dutch woman Zoraya ter Beek died this week after undergoing euthanasia, according to various European media reports.

Ter Beek had requested euthanasia from state authorities, alleging that she was suffering from mental health problems, including depression and autism. She was, she said, "tired of living."

She died Wednesday at 1 p.m., according to a local newspaper report. For three years, she had been advocating for the right to die with state assistance.

Her case reignited the debate around the morality and legality of euthanasia.
