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The drop in temperatures puts the entire country at risk and on alert

After the heavy snowfalls, the cold winds have precipitated a sharp drop in thermal sensation and prompted frosts that threaten 120 million citizens.

Nevadas en Estados Unidos


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Virtually the entire country is paralyzed by the intense arctic cold wave that arrived this Monday after periods of heavy snowfall. With the country blanketed in snow, temperatures have plunged to perilously low levels, posing a risk to nearly 120 million Americans.

The continuation of the cold storm has brought the lowest temperatures to the center of the country and the north. The two Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming. Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa are at the center of this cold concentration. The lowest overnight temperature between January 15 and 16 was recorded in Montana, 13 miles north of Sulfur Springs, and was -42 Fº.

In Oregon, the drop in temperatures is also severe. According to Axios, since the beginning of the cold wave last Friday, at least nine people have died from causes related to low temperatures.

The National Weather Service's severe freeze warnings reach as far south as Texas. There, the Dallas-Fort Worth area is under this notice for this Tuesday. The frost has reached even further south as far as Bexar County.

More than 6,000 flights altered

Air traffic has also been seriously affected by the cold wave that´s hit the country. According to data from FlightAware, this Tuesday there are already 6,757 flights affected by delays due to the storm, 1,687 were cancelled. United and Southwest were the two airlines most affected by the number of canceled flights.

Frozen game for the Kansas City Chiefs

The cold wave did not prevent the NFL from continuing with its game schedule. This Monday the fourth coldest NFL game in history took place, meaning that the players took the field in extreme temperatures.

It was between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs. The latter obtained the victory with a 26 to 7. During the match between both teams at Arrowhead Stadium, temperatures reached -27 Fº.
