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US universities, hostile territory for Jews

The FBI and Police investigate threats to Jewish students on the Cornell University campus while incidents and demonstrations against this community increase across other campuses.

Images of demonstrations and anti-Semitic harassment at U.S. universities.

(Twitter/Raw Alerts/Captura de Vídeo NY Post/Youtube Pix News)

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University campuses are becoming hostile territory for Jews. Incidents and harassment that endanger the physical well-being of this community, as well as demonstrations of support not only for the Palestinians, but even for the Hamas terrorists, are multiplying in these spaces. During the weekend there were several anti-Israeli rallies in various centers, such as Washington. Police and the FBI are currently investigating serious online threats against Jewish students at Cornell University, which has led authorities to ask them not to access the Kosher building on campus until the situation is clarified and to avoid incidents.

Anti-Semitic incidents on record in October

Michael Masters, CEO of Secure Community Network - the official Jewish security organization in North America - warned in statements to the Jerusalem Post that October is on track to break the record for anti-Semitic incidents in a month since the creation of this entity in 2004. According to SCN data, since the Hamas attack on October 7, 94 incidents have been recorded on university campuses, 15% of the 614 reported throughout the country. The group also denounces the lack of an adequate responses from numerous educational institutions.

The rise in incidents on our college campuses exposes the utterly insufficient response by a disturbing number of educational institutions in response to vocal support for foreign terror groups and rank antisemitism..

The president of Hillel International - a university organization founded in 1923 - Adam Lehman, joined SCN in denouncing that "Jewish college students across the United States are being threatened, assaulted, and forced to hide their Jewish identities." Given the seriousness of the situation, Masters demanded clear and forceful measures from the Biden Administration: "SCN strongly recommends the US Department of Education declare clear consequences for institutions that fail to ensure the safety of their Jewish students under Title VI." In addition, he called on the Executive to "convene a high-level meeting involving campus administrators, law enforcement, and major stakeholders to discuss these pressing concerns and develop actionable strategies."

FBI and police investigate serious threats at Cornell University

The escalation of threats and harassment escalated last Sunday at Cornell University, where even the FBI has taken the reins of the investigation into death threats against Jewish students on campus. The authorities and the center's Jewish Student Association recommended these students not to approach the Cornell Center for Jewish Life and the kosher dining room due to the seriousness of the content of the messages. The Police are also maintaining units in the university area.

Threat of mass shooting, calls to behead babies and rape Jewish students

The first to report the threats was The Cornell Daily Sun, which warned about the presence of worrying messages on an online student forum. Among the insults and warnings launched by a user who called himself "hamas soldier," was found threats of a mass shooting against the Kosher building downtown: "If I see another synagogue or another demonstration in favor of the apartheid dictatorial genocidal globalist Zionist entity known as 'Israel,' I will bring an assault rifle to campus and I will shoot all of you Jewish pigs [sic]". In another post it was read "Jews are human animals and deserve a pig's death. Release by any means. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free [sic] ." There were also calls to rape Jewish students and behead babies.

University officials were quick to condemn the messages and asked Jewish students, faculty and staff to avoid the Center for Jewish Life while University Police investigated the threats and secured the area. The president of this center, Martha Pollack, denounced that the residents are experiencing the situation with "genuine fear," as are the parents. "The first reaction of all the students on the ground is that of genuine fear." We have received calls from people who were not in the area, asking if it is safe for them to return to their room tonight. We've had people too scared to sleep here tonight. So they have gone to other places in Ithaca for their safety. "Now we have three police cars outside our complex that will be here 24/7 until we understand what is happening, the threat is real," she lamented in statements to The Cornell Daily Sun.

Multiple incidents and harassment against Jews on campus

This is not an isolated incident. Allegations of harassment of Jewish students have not stopped repeating themselves on university campuses since the brutal Hamas massacre, with scenes like the one of students locked in the New York Cooper Union Library last Thursday while hundreds of pro Hamas protesters surrounded the building and even hit the windows of the area where the young people were taking refuge. In addition, numerous demonstrations have been held in favor of terrorists and against the State of Israel and students who are Jewish or who wore Jewish symbols as decoration have been insulted or harassed.
