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Lubbock County (Texas) makes "abortion trafficking" illegal

The law establishes that women will not be able to travel through the roads that cross the territory to have an abortion in places where it is allowed.

Manifestantes reclaman la prohibición del aborto.


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Lubbock County, located in West Texas, has prohibited by law, women from traveling through its territory to other states to obtain abortions, that is, what is known as "abortion trafficking."

As reported by the British newspaper The Telegraph, the rule also makes it illegal to subsidize the transportation of women to obtain abortions in other states where it is legal, such as, for example, New Mexico -located a few miles from Lubbock County- or Colorado.

This type of law is nothing new in Texas. Goliad, Mitchell and Cochran are other Texas counties that applied the same measure.

A proposal similar to that of Lubbock County is already underway in the city of Amarillo, which would ban the transportation of women on all its roads.

Texas is one of the states in which abortion is illegal and its practice is punishable by civil and criminal penalties.
