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Shivanthi Sathanandan, the Democrat who called to 'dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,' assaulted in broad daylight

The vice chairwoman of the DFL was the victim of a brutal robbery. Hours later, she thanked the authorities for their quick action. In 2020, following the death of George Floyd, she said, "We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department."

Manifestación de 'Defund the Police' en Long Island en


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Shivanthi Sathanandan, vice chairwoman of the Minneapolis Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), was robbed on Tuesday in broad daylight. The Democrat shared the news a day after the event in which she said that four young people had stolen her car and that, as a result, she had a broken leg as well as cuts and bruises:

Minneapolis against crime

Shivanthi Sathanandan continued the post by assuring that the city should fight against crime. She said "these men knew what they were doing" and was sure that it was not the first time they committed a crime like this. However, she claimed, she would continue to fight to make sure "these criminals will not win" and to "take back our city":

These men knew what they were doing. I have no doubt  they have done this before. Yet they are still on our streets. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot erase. With no hesitation and no remorse. I'm now part of the statistics. I wasn't silent when I fought these men to save my life and my babies, and I won't be silent now. We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and hold them in custody and prosecute them. Period. Look at my face. Remember me when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of holding them accountable for their actions. You could have been reading the obituary for me and my children today. But instead I'm here. To write this. Look at my face. These criminals will not win. We need to take back our city. And this will not be the last you hear from me about this.

From "Dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department" to thanking them for their work

The post concluded with Sathanandan thanking the work of the Minneapolis Police who recovered the car hours later: "Thank you to the incredible Minneapolis 4th Precinct Officers, Mayor Frey, Chief O'Hara, Paramedics, neighbors, friends and DFL family, who all came to our aide during this terrifying experience. I'm so grateful for this community that wraps us in love."

Her message after the attack differed greatly from the one she was spreading in 2020 after the death of George Floyd. At the time, the New York Post recalls, the Democrat advocated "to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department":

MPD has systematically failed the Black Community, they have failed all of us. It’s time to build a new infrastructure that works for all communities. If you are still disagreeing with that basic fact, I’m not sure what to say to you.