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Transsexual with double mastectomy cries out against transition surgeries: "When is the madness going to stop?"

Sinead Watson warned about the consequences of gender operations in an open letter, following Costa Coffee's controversial advertising.

Captura de pantalla de un programa de GBNews donde se ve el proceso de transición de detransición de Sinead Watson.

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When is the madness going to stop? I'm talking about the latest attempt to pretend it's normal for young women like me to have our healthy breasts surgically removed," wrote trans woman Sinead Watson (31) in a letter picked up by the Daily Mail.

Watson - who now defendeds her female identity - said it was not normal, "it never has been and it never should be — however hard transgender lobbyists fight." Following these claims, she took aim at Costa Coffee for its advertising that shows "androgynous-looking character" with "two mastectomy scars promotes transgender surgery more keenly than it does the brand itself."

"There is absolutely nothing glamorous about having your breasts removed," Watson said, "I should know. I only have to look in the mirror to see what a transitioned chest looks like."

In fact, I choose not to look in the mirror because my chest is such an ugly battleground of scars. Rather than resembling a man's, it looks like a woman's chest that has been sliced open with a scalpel. And that's precisely what it is — maimed and disfigured. I went through this surgery six years ago when I transitioned into a man. 

Watson underwent a bi-lateral double mastectomy at 26, after two years on testosterone. Shortly after the medical intervention, she began to suffer from episodes of depression, dropped out of college and attempted suicide, but:

I was saved by my family and a tiny group of women who were brave enough to go on the internet and admit that they regretted transitioning too. 

Now Watson warns its time to "be honest about what a body really looks like after transition" - and information such as losing the ability to breastfeed - and address the reasons why girls choose to undergo such operations, among which she lists the immediate endorsement by physicians, the information "bombarded" on the Internet and the recognition that "puberty is difficult."
