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Year-end: 323 police officers shot and 60 killed in the line of duty

"The increase in violence is the result of the failed policies of complacent prosecutors and cynical politicians." 2022 was "one of the most dangerous years for law enforcement in recent history."


The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) released a report compiling all attacks on law enforcement throughout 2022. The data indicated that 323 officers were shot in the line of duty. Of those shot, 60 died. These statistics do not include situations in which officers were attacked but not injured.

In an interview with Fox News, FOP president Patrick Yoes said that the increased violence towards officers and the crime crisis in the country is the result of the "failed policies of complacent prosecutors and cynical politicians." He also called the year "one of the most dangerous years for law enforcement in recent history."

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"Heinous acts" by criminals

Yoes went on to state that the increase in violence is unlike anything he has seen in all his years in law enforcement, adding that during 2022 there were 87 ambush-type attacks against law enforcement officers, resulting in 31 of the 60 deaths.

Many will often look at this data and just see numbers. We MUST remember that they represent heroes — fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. Fortunately, due to dramatic improvements in medical trauma science and anti-ballistic technology, the events are no worse, otherwise the lethality of these attacks would be much higher.

The FOP president noted that his only and "sincere hope" is that Congress will pass the Protect and Serve Act, which would address the national problem of ambushes and provoked attacks against officers.

He also said he cannot understand the "heinous acts" that violent and brazen criminals commit against law-abiding citizens. They live in fear and wonder "if they will be the next victim."

Dishonest prosecutors

Yoes said more people will continue to break the law when there are no consequences for doing so, referring to the"pro-criminal" and progressive "policies" implemented by "rogue prosecutors" in many states across the country:

Law-abiding citizens saw the real-life consequences of what happens when elected officials adopt pro-criminal, revolving-door policies and make decisions that put the interests of violent criminals ahead of public safety.
These decisions, the failure to prosecute violent offenders for their crimes or, worse, the release of repeat offenders arrested for crimes that show a propensity for escalating violence, make our communities less safe."

The former officer ended his statement by saying "enough is enough" and called on Americans in every community across the country to stand with law enforcement and oppose rampant violence:

In truth, violence against those sworn to serve and protect is more than unacceptable; it is a stain on our society and must end. It is incumbent upon our elected officials and community leaders to stand up, support our heroes and speak out against violence against law enforcement officers.