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Berkeley co-op bans whites from common areas

University students cannot carry relatives if their "fanaticism" is not like that of the cooperative's managers. UC Berkeley is among the most liberal universities in the US.

Normas de la cooperativa de Berkeley / Libs of TikTok.

Normas de la cooperativa de Berkeley / Libs of TikTok.

The UC Berkeley co-op prohibits access to common areas for whites. The objective is to "to avoid white violence and presence". The co-op asks all students attempting to enroll to declare their race.

Person of Color Theme House is a cooperative that wants to develop residence halls for students at UC Berkeley, California. The residence is located outside the University campus. UC Berkeley is one of the most liberal universities in the country.

An "inclusive" environment that excludes whites

The cooperative has made public a set of rules. The aim is to create an "inclusive" environment. Among the rules, there is a ban on white people accessing the common areas: "many POC moved here to be able to avoid white violence and presence, so respect their decision of avoidance if you bring white guests."

One of the rules to achieve an inclusive space refers to the common areas: "Guests are allowed in common spaces, but please be mindful if there are house members in the room beforehand. White guests are not allowed in common spaces."

Libs of Tik Tok has collected a document in which you can see the rules.

Safe, welcoming and supportive spaces

The objective of Person of Color Theme House is "to provide housing to low-income, first generation, immigrant and marginalized students of color," The institution was created "to create a safe and welcoming space for its house members and build solidarity with communities of color in the Berkeley area and beyond."

Another aspect of the inclusive standards aims for tenants to "avoid bringing parents/family members that express bigotry,” because “Queer, Black, and indigenous members should not have to avoid common spaces because of homophobic or racist parents/family members," with the exception of racist comments in favor of banning whites from common areas.
