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You again, Leo? Bolsonaro gets fed up with DiCaprio's moral lectures

"I could ask you to turn in your yacht before lecturing the world, but I know progressives: you want to change the whole world but not yourself."

Bolsonaro vs. DiCaprio

Bolsonaro vs. DiCaprio (Voz Media/Wikimedia Commons)

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New Twitter confrontation between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The Titanic star, who defines himself on the social network as an 'environmentalist', has shown in recent months a certain fixation with the South American country in its alleged defense of the environment.

On this occasion, DiCaprio has published a tweet in which he shares a map from the NGO MapBiomas denouncing the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon as a result of the "extractive industry". A statement that has provoked a quick response from Bolsonaro, who is fed up with what he considers an "obsession" of the actor with the country over which he presides. You again? Bolsonaro asks a DiCaprio whom he accuses of spreading misinformation.

The president of Brazil makes a full-fledged review of DiCaprio. "I could ask you to give up your yacht before lecturing the world (...) But I know progressives: you want to change the whole world but not yourself," the Brazilian leader points out.

DiCaprio and his 'obsession' with Brazil

Bolsonaro continues his criticism of DiCaprio's tweet by lamenting that "a guy who pretends to love the planet" pays more attention to Brazil than to the fires damaging Europe and his own country (the United States). "One may wonder if he is obsessed with my country (or its resources) or if he simply believes that Brazil is the only one on Earth," he adds.

Brazil's president accuses Dicaprio of spreading false information and wonders what interests the actor-activist has in spreading it. To this end, it counters the information disseminated by the plaintiff. "In my government, the average deforestation is much lower than in the past, when the thief-turned-candidate he supports", referring to ex-convict for corruption Lula da Silva.

"They don't know, for example, that we preserve more than 80% of our native vegetation or that we have the cleanest energy among the G20 nations," sentences the Brazilian president, who tells DiCaprio that "he can keep playing with his Hollywood star toys while we do our job."

DiCaprio, Bolsonaro's best electoral propaganda

Brazil's president, in his ironic response to DiCapio, says the actor is going to become his best "election wire." Bolsonaro refers to the proximity of the October elections and the propaganda provided by the actor-activist.

Because this is not the first time DiCaprio has used the supposed defense of the environment to suggest who Brazilians should vote for. Last April, the actor charged against the Brazilian government with the excuse of the environment, mixing in a tweet environmentalism and elections in the country.

Bolsonaro responded forcefully that it would be the Brazilian people who would decide on the sovereignty of the Amazon and not the "crooks who serve foreign interests".
