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Harvard a university taken over by progressives

A survey conducted by a university newspaper revealed that there are more left-leaning professors than conservative ones.



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A survey by a Harvard student newspaper has found that 82.46% of faculty are progressive, while only 1.46% are conservative. The survey was taken of staff in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Historically, universities are populated by professors sympathetic to the left political spectrum, and Harvard despite enjoying great prestige seems to be no exception. Progressives have their tentacles in every strata and space of society.

The survey of Harvard University professors also showed that only 16.08% of those polled consider themselves moderate. In addition, only a quarter of those who responded were in favor of hiring more conservative-leaning professors, and 31% were opposed, while 44% of those who responded expressed that they "neither supported nor opposed it."

Political bias in hiring a teacher?

Although education should be neutral, not biased by ideology or political leanings, more than half of those responding to the student newspaper's survey said they would support "additional research" for those who previously served in the Trump administration if they were hired for the College of Arts and Sciences.

The information obtained from the survey was released by Fox News, without detailing the name of the newspaper. As a curious fact, the empirical research also revealed that 7.1% of the graduating class said they were conservative before attending college.

Another study conducted a few years ago confirms that U.S. universities seem to be taken over by the left. According to an Econ Journal study by economists Mitchell Langbert, Anthony Quain, and Daniel Klein of more than 40 of the nation's top 40 universities, covering more than 7.000 professors, there is a ratio of 11.5 Democrat-affiliated professors to every Republican faculty member. Although within those numbers there are slight variations depending on the races, the trend in favor of the left remains. An overwhelming majority among educators who are responsible for educating present and future generations.
