US Conference of Catholic Bishops calls on faithful to vote in defense of the unborn in November
In a letter ahead of Respect Life Month, the prelates stress that the fight against abortion remains their "preeminent priority" and call on politicians to fight in defense of "the most vulnerable."

Citizens voting in a file photo.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops asked the faithful to vote against abortion in November. In a blunt letter to parishioners ahead of Respect Life Month, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, chairman of the Commission on Pro-Life Activities, celebrated the end of Roe vs. Wade and called on politicians to work to stand up for the "most vulnerable brothers and sisters."
'Vote for candidates who will defend the life and dignity of the human person'
To that end, the U.S. prelates openly called for a vote for candidates who will protect the right to life. "We must renew our commitment to work for the legal protection of every human life, from conception to natural death, and to vote for candidates who will defend the life and dignity of the human person."
In the message, the bishops celebrated the Supreme Court's ending of abortion as a constitutional right, but lamented that "fifty years of virtually unlimited abortion has tragically created a national mindset where many Americans have become comfortable with some amount of abortion," allowing the abortion industry to continue its business to the point of destroying "more than a million lives each year in our country alone." As a result, Burbidge noted that, heading into November, "abortion remains our pre-eminent priority."
"We thankfully no longer live under the regime of Roe v. Wade, and our elected officials are now empowered to reduce or end abortion. But what we now see is that fifty years of virtually unlimited abortion has tragically created a national mindset where many Americans have become comfortable with 'some' amount of abortion. This allows the abortion industry to continue to provide any amount of abortion. Given this challenge, the U.S. bishops have affirmed that, while it is important to address all the ways in which human life is threatened, “abortion remains our pre-eminent priority as it directly attacks our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, destroying more than a million lives each year in our country alone," the letter reads.
Bishops condemn politicians who celebrate 'the destruction of preborn children'
In addition, the letter warned that many candidates, like Kamala Harris (though without mentioning her directly), have also made abortion a "preeminent priority." The letter states, "We see many politicians celebrating the destruction of preborn children, and protecting access to abortion, even up until the moment of birth. Few leaders are standing up to limit the harm of chemical abortion (abortion pills) to mothers and children, which is now the most common form of abortion. And heading into the November elections, as many as ten states face gravely evil ballot initiatives that would enshrine abortion in their state constitutions."
Pope St. John Paul II: 'An enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life'
The bishops recalled the words of Pope St. John Paul II to illustrate the moment that the world and the country finds itself in and what is at stake in the November election:
"We are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the ‘culture of death’ and the ‘culture of life’ … we are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life."