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The White House warns it has indications that the results announced by Maduro ‘do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people’

The Biden administration also said the United States is on the side of the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, including support for their right to express their views freely and without reprisal.

El Presidente Joe Biden pronuncia un discurso en el Jardín Sur ante la mirada de la Primera Dama Jill Biden, anfitriona del Picnic del Congreso en la Casa Blanca

Joe Biden on the White House lawn.Aaron Schwartz/Cordon Press.

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The White House assured through a statement on its official website that it has indications that the results announced by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council, managed by Nicolás Maduro, do not reflect the will of Venezuelans expressed last Sunday.

In that sense, the Democratic administration also requested that all the records be published and explained that it has reviewed the reports it has received from non-governmental organizations on the electoral process.

"We continue to call for Venezuela’s electoral authorities to release full, transparent, and detailed voting results, including by polling station. This is especially critical given that there are clear signs that the election results announced by Venezuela’s National Electoral Council do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people as it was expressed at the ballot box on July 28," the White House said in the statement.

Likewise, the government of Joe Biden maintained that the United States is on the side of the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, including support for their right to express their opinions freely and without reprisal.

In tune with that message, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rejected the repression of peaceful demonstrations taking place in the Caribbean country.

"Any political repression or violence against demonstrators or opponents is obviously unacceptable," the White House press secretary told reporters.
