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Trump hints that Kamala Harris will replace Biden in case the president withdraws from the race

However, the Republican candidate believes the Democratic leader will maintain his aspirations: "He has an ego and doesn't want to quit."

Donald Trump and Kamala HarrisCordon Press.

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In recent days, Joe Biden is having no choice but to focus on fighting doubts and criticisms about his physical and mental ability to stay in the race. These questions are also coming from the Democratic Party itself. Therefore, several names are sounding that would replace the president as candidate and, one of the main ones, is that of Kamala Harris, whom, even, Donald Trump, sees as the more than possible replacement of the president.

"It would seem to me that from a political standpoint, that's who they're going with. They're not even talking about alternatives," Trump said in a phone interview on Fox News, referring to Democrats pushing Harris if Biden steps aside.

The Republican candidate took the opportunity to comment on the vice president, whom he defined as "ineffective" for not having managed the border crisis as required, among other issues within her responsibility.

"I think she's an ineffective person. She was in charge of the border, she's never been there, she didn't do a good job, and she hasn't done a job on a lot of things."Donald Trump

Despite having dedicated a few words to the possible replacement of Biden by Harris, the former president believes that his successor in office will stay in the election race because of his "ego": "It looks to me like he may very well stay, and he's got an ego, and he doesn't want to quit. He doesn't want to do that. It just looks to me like that's what he wants."

Whether Biden will be the Democratic nominee won't be known for another month. Between Aug. 19-22, when the Democratic National Convention will be held, while the Republican National Convention is scheduled for July 15-18.
