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Antony Blinken says there is ‘evidence’ that China is trying to ‘influence and arguably interfere’ in November election

Despite President Joe Biden's warnings to Beijing, the secretary of state declared in an interview on CNN that they have seen attempts and that they want to make sure "that’s cut off as quickly as possible."

El secretario de Estado de EEUU, Antony Blinken (izq.), gesticula mientras mantiene conversaciones con el ministro de Seguridad Pública de China, Wang Xiaohong (no en la foto), en la Casa de Huéspedes del Estado Diaoyutai, en Pekín, el 26 de abril de 2024.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured during an interview on CNN that there is "evidence" that China is trying to influence and interfere in the 2024 presidential elections, despite President Joe Biden's warnings not to do so:

We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere, and we want to make sure that that’s cut off as quickly as possible.

Journalist Kylie Atwood asked Blinken about the "commitment" President Xi Jinping made to Biden in their November meeting. At that time, the Chinese leader was reported to have told President Biden that he would not interfere in the upcoming U.S. presidential election:

I want to ask you about a commitment that CNN reported President Xi made to President Biden when they met in November. We’ve reported that he told President Biden that China would not interfere in the upcoming presidential elections in the United States. But since then, there have been reports of online Chinese accounts that have falsely mimicked Trump supporters. Do you believe that these accounts violate President Xi's commitment?

The Secretary of State responded: "What I can tell you is this: President Biden was very clear about that with President Xi, and I repeated that today in my meetings … that any interference by China in our election is something we’re looking very carefully at and is totally unacceptable to us."

He also stated: "It’s something we’re tracking very carefully. I can't speak to these specific reports. I can say that, as a general matter, we have been very clear with China: don't do it."
