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The polls show Trump sweeping the Republican primaries and defeating Biden in the general elections

The former president is very well positioned to win first against Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, and later, surpassing the Democratic incumbent in an eventual confrontation.

Donald Trump

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Donald Trump continues to consolidate his lead in the Republican primaries. After the resounding victory in Iowa, the former president is on his way to winning both New Hampshire and South Carolina. In turn, a recent poll placed Trump above Joe Biden in a hypothetical confrontation in November 2024.

The Republican managed to beat Ron DeSantis by 30 percentage points in Iowa and a new Suffolk University poll places him increasingly ahead of Nikki Haley in New Hampshire, where the former ambassador to the United Nations was expected to gain momentum after the end of Chris Christie's campaign.

According to their findings, Trump will receive 52% of the vote , significantly more than Haley's 35% and the Florida governor's 6%. Even more of a difference would be in South Carolina, where Haley hopes she can regain GOP voters' enthusiasm for her campaign.

However, according to an internal poll by the former president's campaign, he would win Haley's home state with 64% of the votes. The former governor's 25% and DeSantis' 8% would be far behind.

The poll was conducted by Tony Fabrizio, Trump's pollster in his two previous presidential campaigns, who shared it with campaign supporters and donors. "President Trump is set to deliver a South Carolina smackdown to Nikki Haley in her home state where she is best known," he said in a text that accompanied the aforementioned results.

Trump would defeat Biden in an eventual confrontation

Although the nominees of both parties for the general elections remain to be decided, both Trump and Biden seem to be emerging as the winners, which is causing pollsters to go ahead to try to guess who would win in this 2020 rematch.

Redfield & Wilton Strategies recently confirmed the trend that places the Republican above the Democrat, in this case by one percentage point nationally.

"After weighing by likelihood to vote, 42% say they would vote for Trump and 41% say they would vote for Biden if they were candidates in 2024. 5% would vote for either a Libertarian (2%), Green (1%), or other (2%) third-party candidate, while a further 10% say they don’t know how they would vote," the pollster expressed.

However, the difference is even greater when the same voters were asked who they thought would win.

"If Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the candidates for the two major parties in the next Presidential Election, 41% of Americans currently say they think Donald Trump would be more likely to win, while 34% think Joe Biden would be more likely to win. 12% believe it would be a toss-up," the polls showed.
