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Joe Biden's rating sinks to historic lows, falling below that of Kamala Harris

The president's approval rating fell to 31%, while that of the vice president remains at 35%.

Kamala Harris y Joe Biden

(Cordon Press)

Joe Biden's approval rating hit a new all-time low in a Monmouth University poll. Only three in ten Americans (31%) think that the president is "paying enough attention to the issues most important to them." His rating is lower than that of Vice President Kamala Harris (whose approval rating is 35%):

Just 31% of the American public says Biden has been giving enough attention to the issues that are most important to their families. The vast majority (65%) wish he would give more attention to those issues (...) Vice President Kamala Harris receives a job rating of 35% approve and 57% disapprove. 

On partisan issues, the poll shows that only 11% of Republicans and 25% of independents say Biden is paying enough attention to voters' main concerns. It states that "although a majority of Democrats (58%) feel he is paying the right amount of attention to their top issues, a sizable minority (41%) wish he would focus more on those concerns."

The worst results on immigration and inflation

The president had especially poor results in matters such as immigration (69%) and inflation (68%). Furthermore, the poll highlights that his "favorability" has fallen more than 20 percentage points from its high on record in April 2021 (and is the lowest since he took office). Patrick Murray director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute said:

The Biden administration keeps touting their infrastructure investments and a host of positive economic indicators (...) Those data points may be factual, but most Americans are still smarting from higher prices caused by post-pandemic inflation. This seems to be what’s driving public opinion. There is political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people their take on their own situation is wrong.

The poll found that "only 20% of the population says that the country is going in the right direction, while 69% say it is going in the wrong direction."

Monmouthpoll Us by Veronica Silveri on Scribd
