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Several Democratic attorneys general try to repeal Idaho's anti-transgender bathroom law

The appeal seeks to allow trans students to enter bathrooms based on how they identify and not their biological identity.

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A total of twenty-one Democratic attorneys general are lobbying the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down the Idaho law. A rule that prohibits transgender students from using public school bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity.

Mainly promoted by the attorney general of the Washington state, Bob Ferguson, and New York, Letitia James, the appeal intends to veto the Senate Bill 1100. A law passed by the Republican governor of Idaho, Brad Little, on July 1, by which transgender students are prohibited from using bathrooms and locker rooms that do not correspond to their biological sex.

However, trans students do not agree with the law and this summer, the Boise High School Gender and Sexuality Alliance and the transgender student who appears in the writing under the nickname, Rebecca Roe, filed a suit against the state in federal court seeking to prevent school officials from enforcing the new law. A rule that, the letter reads, allows students to file legal demands demanding that schools pay $5,000 or more each time they encounter a transgender student in a bathroom that does not correspond to their biological gender identity.

Anti-transgender bathroom law "goes against civil rights"

This is the same state Bill that twenty-one Democratic states are trying to veto. The most interested in this is Bob Ferguson, Washington's attorney general. He assured, through a statement, that this rule goes against federal civil rights laws and therefore, it must be repealed:

Allowing students to use bathrooms and changing rooms that correspond with their gender identity helps them feel accepted and does not pose a threat to anyone. In Washington, where the rights of transgender students are protected, public schools report no instances of transgender students harassing others in bathrooms or locker rooms. In contrast, the evidence is overwhelming that prohibiting students from using facilities that correspond to their gender identity causes them very real physical, emotional and mental harm.

Words with which the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington DC agree. They all argue that "ensuring transgender people have access to public facilities consistent with their gender identity — including access to common restrooms — benefits all, without compromising safety or privacy, or imposing significant costs."
