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Ted Cruz: "Biden and this White House are responsible for tens of billions of dollars flowing into Iran"

"Much of that money has gone to Hamas and Hezbollah," said the Senator.

Ted Cruz

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In the midst of the war between Israel and Hamas, after the massacre committed by the terrorist group in Israeli territory near the Gaza Strip, more and more people are pointing out how much money Iran has obtained directly or indirectly on behalf of the actions of the Biden administration. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has said "Biden and this White House are responsible for tens of billions of dollars flowing into Iran. And much of that money has gone directly to Hamas and directly to Hezbollah."

Cruz has claimed that the terrible massacre committed by Hamas in Israel "was funded by Iran." "Hamas and Hezbollah are both Iranian proxies. They work for Iran, they work under the direction of Iran, and they are funded by Iran. Without Iran, there would be no Hamas," said the Republican.

The senator claims that Iran has made billions of dollars from the oil sales with the Biden administration. Cruz said this totals "as much as 80 billion dollars." He added, "Since President Biden took office, this White House has been responsible for nearly $100 billion flowing to Iran."

When President Biden took office "the Iranian regime was on its knees, the economy was in shambles," Cruz said, explaining that the ayatollah's main income comes from the sale of oil. He pointed out that under the Trump administration, strong measures were imposed to prevent Iran from doing business, which destroyed its economy.

"When Donald Trump was president, I spent much of the presidency urging President Trump to vigorously enforce the oil sanctions. to cripple their oil sales, Iran had been selling a million barrels a day of oil. President Trump agreed with me to vigorously enforce the sanctions. And those oil sales were crushed, and the Iranian economy collapsed."

Cruz claims that when Biden became president, Iran was economically in ruins, but as soon as he took office, the president stopped enforcing oil sanctions and allowed Iran to sell oil, causing the strengthening of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

"Right now Iran is selling two million barrels a day of oil, the same level they were selling before the sanctions ever passed," Cruz said.
