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Complicity: Delaware prosecutor Lesley Wolf prevented federal agents from investigating Joe Biden

The prosecutor had already been accused of obstructing FBI investigations into the president's potential ties to his son's businesses abroad.

El presidente Joe Biden saludando a cámara.

(Cordon Press)

The House Oversight Committee released an email showing that Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf ordered federal agents not to investigate Joe Biden in connection with a Foreign Agents Registration Act probe (FARA).

The Oversight Committee, chaired by Congressman James Comer (R-KY), announced the news in a post on social media. “Newly released emails and documents show that Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf DID NOT ALLOW AGENTS TO INVESTIGATE JOE BIDEN as part of a FARA probe."

The post contains two images. One shows part of a document that states Joe Biden is a potential subject to investigate for his relationship with Hunter Biden.

“POLITICAL FIGURE 1 - FORMER VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN JR- VP BIDEN is currently the Democratic Party Presidential candidate for the United States and served as the 47th officeholder for the position of the Office of the Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS) in the Barack Obama Administration from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. He is the father of SUBJECT 1,” reads the document published by the House committee that has been investigating the Biden family's business dealings for months.

The other image is an email from Lesley Wolf addressed to several federal investigators. According to the committee, she forbade agents from investigating Joe Biden.

“As a priority, someone needs to redraft attachment B. I am not sure what this is cut and pasted from but other than the attribution, location and identity stuff at the end, none of it is appropriate and within the scope of the warrant. Please focus on FARA evidence only. There should be nothing about Political Figure 1 in here. Thanks,” the federal prosecutor wrote.

Several months ago, Wolf was accused of obstructing FBI investigations into President Biden's potential ties to his son's businesses abroad.

The prosecutor, who was involved in the investigation against Hunter Biden, was also accused by IRS agents of limiting interrogations, torpedoing the search for evidence and even blocking search warrants because she was concerned about the "optics."

The federal prosecutor was also questioned for being friends with Joe Biden's former adviser, Alexander Mackler, who is a close friend of Hunter.

On Tuesday, the Oversight Committee revealed that Hunter Biden received two payments from Chinese partners for a total of $260,000. He put his father's address in Delaware as the beneficiary address for both transfers.
