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Florida: Judge blocks ban on trans procedures for minors in three specific cases

A preliminary injunction issued by a federal judge invalidates the law following a lawsuit filed by the families of three children between the ages of 8 and 14.

Ron DeSantis.

(Cordon Press)

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A federal judge partially blocked a law banning sex change procedures on minors in Florida. Robert Hinkle, a federal district judge in Tallahassee, issued an order to prevent the law enacted a few days ago by Governor Ron DeSantis from taking immediate effect in three specific cases. The law will remain in effect for all other cases.

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This court decision comes after seven families sued the state for enacting this legislation. Thanks to Judge Hinkle, the children from three of those families will be able to continue their sex change treatments, for the time being, as it is not a final order. The other four appealed the law even though they do not yet need such proceedings, as reported by Reuters.

The father of one of the children who will have judicial approval to continue with his procedure said: "Today my whole family breathes a sigh of relief knowing that we can now access the treatment that we know will keep Susan [non-biological identify] healthy and will allow her to continue to be the happy, self-confident child she has been up to now." The three children range from 8 to 14 years old.

On May 18, the Florida governor and 2024 Republican primary candidate signed five "Let Kids Be Kids" laws, which will go into effect on July 1. These laws regulate different areas of child development, from school and sports to medical treatment.
