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Trump calls on GOP to focus message on crime

Hispanic and black voters "want there to be no crime because they're the biggest victims in the truest sense of the word."

Donald Trump, former US President

Gage Skidmore/ Flickr

Donald Trump called on Republicans to focus relentlessly on solving the country's crime crisis. He asserted that citizens' rising concern could lead to record numbers of Hispanic and black support for the GOP in the midterm elections. "No one can live like this... People are afraid to go out on the street to buy a loaf of bread. And we have to change that."

The former president was at America First Coverage Institute's Hispanic Management Convention on Wednesday. In an interview with Just the News, he provided his thoughts on campaign strategy for the upcoming midterm elections.

Trump claimed that under the Biden Administration, the Democrats' policies such as open borders, reduced sentencing, and police defunding have opened the floodgates of electoral support for the Republican Party. Citizens have become increasingly wary of rise in crimes such as robberies, murders and gun violence.

Hispanics don't want crime

Some experts say that the economy is the most pressing issue in the midterm elections. Trump, on the other hand, anticipated that crime is a more important issue for those who consider voting Republican for the first time:

It's very interesting, when you talk about the large Hispanic population that has come in, the African-American population, they want there to be no crime, because you know, they are the biggest victims in the truest sense of the word... They want there to be no crime and they want borders.

The former president has no doubt that citizens will vote for a candidate who wants to put an end to crime. He did, however, acknowledge inflation as the second most important factor:

Well, I think they're going to start by asking who's going to solve the crime. And those are the Republicans, because they will really be the ones to solve the crime. And the second question, some people think it's the first one, but I think maybe it's the second one, is inflation, because inflation is absolutely killing the American family. It's killing the business. It's wiping out everyone.

Trump's views align with those of House Republicans and their leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who recently released a detailed policy agenda for voters called "Commitment to America" in which he states his primary focus is attacking crime.
