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Biden back on the charge to try to facilitate abortion

The president signs the second decree in barely a month to circumvent the court's abortion doctrine. It will facilitate intrastate travel to terminate pregnancies.

Joe Biden habla en una conferencia de prensa en la Casa Blanca el 28/07/2022 / Cordon Pess.

(Cordon Press)

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Joe Biden continues to focus his executive actions around abortion. The president has signed his second decree in less than a month to make it easier for women to terminate pregnancies. In recent weeks, government action has been focused on this issue following the annulment one month ago of the Roe vs. Wade.

The'Executive Order to Ensure Access to Reproductive Health Services' provides for assistance to women to travel from one state to another for abortions. It does so in light of states legislating more restrictively after the Supreme Court ruled that abortion is not a constitutional right.

"I direct my Administration to take further steps to protect access to reproductive health care and address the crisis facing women's health and public health in general," the document signed by Biden states.

Abortive travel

The Executive Order directs the Department of Health to ensure that women traveling across state lines seeking abortions have access to health care services, including through Medicaid. A measure that the Biden Administration already tried to push through last month but failed to pass the Senate after Republicans blocked the measure.

‘Abortive travel' is not only encouraged by the Administration. The government cannot reinstate the practice of abortion at will in states that have introduced limits, but the government offensive makes these gestures boost the advocates of voluntary termination of pregnancy. Aware of this presidential support, these groups have begun their offensive against the country's pro-life states. One example is the pro-abortion group PRROWESS, which plans to perform abortions in the international waters of the Gulf of Mexico. PRROWESS stands for 'Protection of Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Laws'.

As we have already told you, the bill aims to facilitate the termination of pregnancy in states with restrictions on the practice of terminating the life of the newborn, such as Texas, Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana. The company has chosen the southern part of the country (Gulf of Mexico) to carry out its plans. These are federal waters, which are outside state jurisdiction and would allow these abortions to be performed.
