The UN rewards Palestinian terrorism
Clearly, there are many who are more interested in demonizing Israel than in appeasing the suffering of Gazans. The results are and will be resounding for the free world, but not for its enemies.

(ONU / Youtube)
After the massacre of October 7, in which savage beasts from Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations, as well as many civilians (murderous racists who do not officially belong to a specific group) participated, the time has come for their award bestowed by the UN, the European Union and, to some extent, the Biden administration.
Evidently, for a part of the world, not only should rapists of women, cutthroats of babies, and murderers of entire families not be punished, but it is also necessary to pamper them with rewards because the victims were Jewish, or resided in the Jewish state, or were visiting there.
Recently, Josep Borrell, the representative for Foreign Policy of the European Union (EU), assured that the Spanish government confirmed to him that the recognition of the Palestinian State by some EU countries will occur on May 21st.
What a duo of socialists, Borrell and the president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, right? The first, who has us accustomed to condemning Israel for defending itself from genocidal terrorism, has no problem with the fact that Iran wants to destroy the Jewish state. “You have to live with that,” he expressed a few years ago, implying that his intolerance is selective. And Sánchez, the president who still holds power for maneuvers immoral policies and who has many explanations to give in Spain for a case of corruption in which his wife is involved, dared to criticize the Israeli response after the brutal massacre and to announce that would recognize a Palestinian state. Therefore, is it any surprise that both allies of Islamist terrorism reward Islamist terrorism?
But the rewards for murderers and rapists don't end there. The UN, led by António Guterres, who knew how to justify the massacre perpetrated by Hamas, did not want to be left out of the award ceremony.
The United Nations General Assembly voted to recommend Palestine's accession to the UN and its recognition. The resolution, which is a victory for Palestinian terrorism, was approved with 143 votes in favor, nine against, and 25 abstentions. The result shows that the majority of governments understand that they must reward those who commit atrocities against Jews or against anyone who dares to live together or share a music festival with them. There is no other possible explanation.
And if that were not enough, the UN Watch organization denounced that employees of the United Nations Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) are stealing and selling humanitarian aid materials intended for those in need in Gaza. And that's what they do in their free time when they're not indoctrinating Palestinian children with hatred, inciting the murder of Jews, or participating in terrorist activities.
And if you were expecting the US government to take measures opposite of those taken by the EU and the UN, two organizations that combine cowardice, opportunism and antisemitism, I regret to inform you that you will be disappointed. The Biden administration not only blocked the shipment of weapons to Israel for his opposition to the raid on Rafah - the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza - but also issued a sanctions waiver allowing the sale of weapons to some Arab countries allied with terrorism, like Qatar and Lebanon.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz stated that “the foreign policy of the Biden administration is precisely the opposite. Joe Biden is the best friend that Iran, Hezbollah or Hamas could have.” Touché.
Surely, many will think that in reality, all these recognitions are not directed at Hamas but at the Palestinian Authority that governs the West Bank and is led by the Fatah party of Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate who justified the Holocaust because of the relationship of the Jews with “usury and money.” Others may think that this is actually a gesture towards Palestinian civilians. Which civilians are they referring to? To those who entered Israel on October 7 to commit the same atrocities as the terrorists, let's say, officials, or those who justified the massacre, who represent the vast majority of innocent Palestinian civilians?
Dor Shahar, a former Gaza resident who converted to Judaism and currently lives in Israel, said in statements to Voz Media that 99% of Gazans support terrorism. In any case, the Jewish state complies with international law in war, while Hamas and other terrorist groups use these civilians as human shields. Apparently, according to a good part of the world, this action also deserves to be rewarded.
In any case, rewarding Palestine with various recognitions at this time mocks the victims of the October 7 massacre and so many others of Islamist terrorism, in addition to being an extremely cynical and opportunistic act in which the benfeit, if any, it is not clear and , as we saw, it is not understood who it is directed at, since, as Mossab Hassan Yousef says, son of a former Hamas founder who harshly criticizes Islamist terrorism, Palestine is made up of various tribes that hate each other, and if it weren't for Israel, they would be killing each other.
Clearly, there are many who are more interested in demonizing Israel than in easing Palestinian suffering. The results are and will be shocking for the free world, except for those who want to see it end.