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Podcast: "Transhumanism" and other dangers of new technologies

Transsexuals, trans-species and trans humans are just some of the changes that technology and the progressive agenda are pushing.

Podcast: "Transhumanism" and other dangers of new technologies

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The progressive agenda has come together with technology to develop changes that have profound ethical and anthropological implications and can turn the world we know upside down. In today's podcast, we speak with Miklos Lukacs, a professor and researcher in technology and politics, about the consequences and development of new technologies in favor of the progressive agenda.

Lukacs points out that technology is no longer being used only to change the environment but to change ourselves. It is causing an anthropological change, a new way of seeing and thinking about human beings. The author of the book "Neo entities" goes into depth about several ways that technology is modifying people's bodies. It is no longer just about transsexuals, but also about transhumans and trans-species, among other things.

In the podcast, we also talked with Lukacs about how these new technologies are changing interpersonal relationships. Lukacs highlighted the issue of pregnancies and how with “biobags,” a whole baby can be gestated and “harvested” after a certain amount of time in an artificial womb. Issues like this greatly modify the way people relate to each other and disrupt the incentives to start a family.

Lukacs is particularly stern on the issue of transsexualism and the procedures carried out on increasingly younger children: "Gender transition or reaffirmation surgeries, especially in children, are criminal, for me, they qualify as crimes against humanity(... .) The adults behind that should be in prison.”
