Egg prices fall significantly for first time in months
The Department of Agriculture market report gives prices that split those reached earlier in the month in some parts of the country. White eggs are the cheapest but in California they remain expensive.

File image of an egg
Eggs have dropped in price. They have not resumed their values prior to the egg shortage crisis that began last December, but they are now much more affordable than last February or even early March, when they peaked.
According to the DA market report, the average price for a dozen large white eggs is now $4.90, compared with an all-time high of $8.64 on March 5.
In the case of white eggs, the national price is even a little lower and comes to $3.21 per dozen. Before the supply crisis, caused by the avian flu, a dozen was in the vicinity of two dollars for eggs of more affordable categories.
In California, however, prices remain moderately high despite the drop. There, large white eggs (L or XL) have a weighted average price of $5.7977 per dozen, according to the Department of Agriculture.
The federal government rated demand as moderate in most regions. Supply is not excessive but "sufficient to meet demand." This results in a product inventory 1.7% higher than the previous week with data updated just this Tuesday.